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The ancient Egyptians mummified their pets and animals because they wanted them to go to the afterlife with them.

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Q: Why would ancient Egyptians mummify their pets and animals?
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Why did the ancient Egyptians mummify the pharaohs?

they thought that it would protect the mummies in the afterlife.

Why did ancient egyptians wrap people in bandages?

Ancient Egyptians mummify important peoples bodies because they thought that the person will need their bodies for the afterlife. They thought without the body, that person's soul would have no where to go.

What did the poor ancient egyptians use animals for?

If by poor Ancient Egyptians you mean the peasant farmers then they would be using oxen as draught animals.

What is the smallest animal egyptians could mummify?

Theoretically, the Egyptians could have mummified any animal they wanted. But, they only mummified animals that they thought human decedents would want as company in the afterworld. So, the smallest animal they usually bothered to mummify was a pet cat.

Do the Egyptians still mummify the kings?

That would be pretty difficult for them to do, seeing as how they don't have kings anymore. Egyptians did not mummify their rulers at any time after the Roman Conquest (over 2000 years ago).

Related questions

Why did ancient Egyptians mummify animals?

they believed it would keep them sacred.

How did the ancient Egyptian mummify?

The ancient Egyptians used many stages to mummify bodies once the person had died they would cover them in a substance that would dry there skin out.

Why did ''ancient egyptians mummify''?

they mummified so their dead would be preserved for the "after life" they believed that removing the organs would help this too

Why did the ancient Egyptians mummify the pharaohs?

they thought that it would protect the mummies in the afterlife.

Why did ancient egyptians wrap people in bandages?

Ancient Egyptians mummify important peoples bodies because they thought that the person will need their bodies for the afterlife. They thought without the body, that person's soul would have no where to go.

What did the poor ancient egyptians use animals for?

If by poor Ancient Egyptians you mean the peasant farmers then they would be using oxen as draught animals.

What is the smallest animal egyptians could mummify?

Theoretically, the Egyptians could have mummified any animal they wanted. But, they only mummified animals that they thought human decedents would want as company in the afterworld. So, the smallest animal they usually bothered to mummify was a pet cat.

Do the Egyptians still mummify the kings?

That would be pretty difficult for them to do, seeing as how they don't have kings anymore. Egyptians did not mummify their rulers at any time after the Roman Conquest (over 2000 years ago).

Why did Egyptians mummify their dead?

The Egyptians believed that by mummifying their dead, that it would ensure they would have a successful journey and peaceful life in another life after death.

Why did the Egyptians mummify their dead kings?

Mostly to hide the bodies from thieves. (When they died they would have their riches with them)

Did the Egyptians mummify their dead?

Yes they did they would put cotton tape around them then they would put them in a coffin.=======================================The process of mummification as practiced by the ancient Egyptians involved drying out the corpse using a natural salt called 'natron'. they did this before wrapping them in cotton and placing them in their sarcophagus (coffins)

Why were the embalming process and the building of pyramids culturally important for Egyptians?

The Ancient Egyptians believed that if they mummify their dead, they(the mummy) would achieve happiness in life after death; They built pyramids for pharaohs, they believed that it made them immortal.