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Diffusion would be inefficient in a large cell because it will take more time compare to a small cell.

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Q: Why diffusion is not an efficient means of transportation in higher organism?
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How do temperature effect the rate of diffusion?

higher temp = higher rate of diffusion

Why a high ratio of surface area to volume benefits a cell?

A high surface area to volume ratio allows the diffusion of water, nutrients, and wastes be more efficient. A higher surface area permits more substances through the cell membrane, and makes the diffusion process more effective and efficient. Hope this helped :)

What is diffusion and what increases the rate of diffusion?

diffusion is the transefer of said product from high to low concentration on the outside of the organism. e.g when in water skin wrinkles as their is water outside and water diffuses from your skin to the water outside as it has a higher concentration of molecules. You can increase diffusion by increasing the concentration of the other product on the outside. hope this helped.

What diffusion is lower concentration to a higher concentration?

If it is water moving from a higher concentration to a lower concentration, the diffusion is called osmosis.

What is hierarchical diffusion?

hierarchical diffusion is diffusion from higher class to lower. King to citizens. Movie stars to regular people

Does a temperature increase increase the rate of diffusion?

yes the higher the temprature the quicker the rate of diffusion

Why is diffuse an example of passive transport?

Diffusion is an example of passive transport because an organism need not expend energy to accomplish diffusion. In diffusion, molecules simply cross a membrane from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration.

How are osmosis and diffusion different?

Diffusion is the net movement of a substance through a membrane from a higher concentration to a lower concentration. Osmosis is the diffusion of water.

What make osmosis and diffusion the same?

Molecules travel across the cell membrane from a higher concentration to a lower concentration during both osmosis and diffusion. Diffusion is when molecules move across the cells' membrane from a higher concentration to a lower concentration. Osmosis is the diffusion of water.

How does rate of diffusion of a gas in a liquid change on heating?

if the temp is higher then diffusion take place faster

Where and when does diffusion occur?

Diffusion occurs when there is a concentration gradient i.e. a substance moves from higher to lower concentration.

Is a plant that contains chlorophyll a diffusion?

No. Diffusion is the process in which particles move from where they are in higher concentration to where they are in lower concentration.