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Just some of the reasons:

  • The atmosphere is some 95% carbon dioxide and 3% nitrogen, where Earth's atmosphere, which we can breathe, is 78% nitrogen and 21% oxygen. There's not nearly enough oxygen in the Martian atmosphere.
  • The atmospheric pressure is too low for our bodies to handle, close to 1/100 of Earth's pressure. Standing around on Mars would be a lot like standing around in outer space. Your body would explode, more or less.
  • The Earth's thick atmosphere and ozone layer protects us from high-energy radiation from the sun. Mars would not protect you in this way. You'd get a deadly sunburn in no time.
  • There's probably not any liquid water, and definitely no food.
  • Low gravity tends to cause human bodies to degrade fairly quickly.
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Q: Why would living on Mars be more dangerous than living on Earth?
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It is not. Mars is a planet, a mass of rock and minerals. So far, we have detected no certain evidence that there are any living things on Mars, although our half-dozen or so landers could easily have missed some unusual or strange form of life. And it's possible that there once WAS life on Mars, but that it has died off long since.

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If you weight 100 pounds on Earth What would you weight on Mars?

Mars's gravitational pull is 38% that of Earth's, meaning you would weigh 38 pounds on that planet.

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It is unlikely that Mars will ever be colonised by humans, since the journey to and from Mars would be long and frought with too many dangers. Also, Mars is too far from the Sun to have a good living temperature, and atmospheric conditions would be adverse.

What if mars was where earth is today and earth was where mars was would there be life on Mars or would we still live on earth?

This is a very good question but from research that I have done in previous years would say the answer would be no because mars does not have some characteristics that earth does have. Mars does not have trees and and ocean. They have no food supply except rock. But no, I am afraid we would not be living on mars, sorry!There are some reports of scientists finding ice on Mars, so it is possible that, if Mars were where earth is, Mars would have life. It is roughly the same size, which would create a similar climate. One problem, however, is its rotation. Because of the slow speed at which Mars rotates, one side would be perpetually cold, and one hot, so life would have to survive only along the rim between the areas.If the earth were closer to the sun, it would likely be too hot for humans to live in, but there are some bacteria that live comfortably in hot springs, so an alternate form of life may arise.If the situation in your question were to occur, 'we' as a human race may not live on mars, but likely some other species would.

How would the pull of gravity be different on Mars than earth?

The gravity on Mars is 0.379 that of Earth.

Does mars have a strong or weak gravity?

Mars is a lot less massive than Earth. Therefore gravity is less than you would experience on Earth. Gravity on Mars is about 38% that of what you experience on Earth. Therefore is you weigh 100kg on Earth, you would only weigh 38kg on Mars.

How much does a person weigh on Mars?

A man on Mars would weigh 38% of his weight on the Earth. This means that to find out a man's weight on Mars, you have to multiply their weight by 0.38. example: 100 pound man on the Earth weighs 100 X 0.38 = 38 pounds on Mars