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Calcium is vital for the development of the skeleton (strong bones).

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Q: Why would a lack of iron affect performance in sports?
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Does iron in the body affect bluetooth signals?

No, iron in the body doesn't affect bluetooth signals. All the iron combined in the body would be such a minuscule amount it's absurd to think that is even a possibility.

How would lack of iron affect energy production of a bacterium?

Lack of iron would mean lack of heme, and thus lower amounts of functioning cytochrome proteins. This would mean lower energy yields.

How iron affect pH?

The pH is not affected by iron (Fe).

Does caffeine affect iron absorption?

No, caffeine directly affect the absorption of iron. It is the polyphenol compounds in coffee and tea that negatively affect iron absorption. Drinks containing polyphenol compounds should be avoided at least an hour prior to, and and hour after taking iron supplements or eating foods that contain iron to ensure they do not interfere with iron absorption.

Does iron deficiency anemia impairs physical performance because iron helps deliver the muscles' oxygen?


Why would steel in a modern ship affect a compass?

Steel contains a large proportion of iron which affects compass needles.

How does Iron affect us?

it keeps you strong

Is it possible for a comet with iron in it to pass through the sun's atmosphere and destroy it and how long would it take for the sun to be destroyed by it?

A comet would not have enough iron to affect the Sun in any measurable way. Even a Jupiter-sized planet made of iron would not stop solar activity. The production of iron by a star is an endothermic fusion reaction. Any mass of iron nearing the Sun would be vaporized, and whatever entered the solar interior would circulate for many hundreds of years before any could reach the core.

How does iron affect plants?

it makes your dean huge

Does radiation therapy affect iron levels?


What was the affect of the iron curtain?

split europe in to two parts.

Do iron tablets affect birth control?

There are no known drug interactions between iron tablets and birth control.