

Best Answer

Our bodies are constantly changing. Someone told me your body changes every five to seven years. I'm not sure if that's true or not, but ...

Some people develop Asthma as adults and they never had it as children. Some people have Allergies as children and then "grow out" of the allergies when they become adults.

Pregnancy causes some serious changes to your body. I would think developing acid reflux after a pregnancy isn't totally out of the ordinary but I'm not a medical professional!

Acid reflux is extremely common in pregnancy. All of your organs, including your stomach, are displaced because of the uterus enlarging. You also have a whole host of hormones that are changing the way food tastes and what foods will cause reflux symptoms. Try to pay attention to which foods seem to make your symptoms worse and avoid these--often the symptoms will go away after the baby has been delivered.


Dr. B.

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Q: Why would you have severe acid reflux after a pregnancy if you never had it before?
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Burping is not one of the signs of pregnancy. It could mean you have a bad gullbladder. Or you could have acid reflux. Hello - No its a sign of excess gas or acid in the stomach lining which causes burping. But do a test if you suspect pregnancy.

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It could be a sign of pregnancy. No one is immune from heartburn. It can happen at any time. If it persists for more than a week after taking antacids, then you should talk to your doctor about possible acid reflux. If you feel that it accompanies other symptoms and just "feel" pregnant, then you should take a pregnancy test or schedule a visit with a health care provider.

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