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Any letter of the alphabet - or indeed other alphabets - can be used. The letters c and k are the more common symbols because they represent the phonetic start of "constant".

Variables are often represented by the initial letter of the variable: v for velocity, t for time, m for mass and so on, or by letters at either end of the alphabet: a, b, c or x, y, z. Clearly, it can be confusing to use any of these as the constant of proportionality. So, through convention, k was selected as the default symbol.

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Q: Why you use k as constant in proportional values?
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How do you find constant of proportionality?

You need to know the basic relationship between the variables: whether they are directly of inversely proportional to each other - or to a power of the other. Also, you need one scenario for which you know the values of both variables.So suppose you have 2 variables A and B and that A is directly proportional to the xth power of B where x is a known non-zero number. [If the relationship is inverse, then x will be negative.]Then A varies as B^x or A = k*B^xThe nature of the relationship gives you the value of x, and the given scenario gives you A and B. Therefore, in the equation A = k*B^x, the only unknown is k and so you can determine its value.

What is an expression of Charles's law k constant?


What are 1000 multiples of 7?

They are members of the set of numbers of the form 7*k where k is an integer which takes 1000 different values..

What is ideal gas constant r?

It is the value of the constant which appears in an equation relating the volume, temperature and pressure of an ideal gas. Its value is 8.314 4621 Joules/(Mol K).

How do you find the multplicate inverse of a rational number?

You take its reciprocal, that is you divide 1 by the number. A rational number can be written as a fraction with integer values in both the numerator and denominator, j/k. The multiplicative inverse of a number is what you have to multiply by to get a product of 1. Putting these ideas together, the multiplicative inverse is the reciprocal, or k/j: (j/k) * (k/j) = 1.

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If y equals kx then what is the relationship between x y and k?

Various options: y is directly proportional to k, with x as the constant of proportionality; y is directly proportional to x, with k as the constant of proportionality; x is inversely proportional to k, with y as the constant of proportionality; x is directly proportional to y, with 1/k as the constant of proportionality; k is directly proportional to y, with 1/x as the constant of proportionality; and k is inversely proportional to x, with y as the constant of proportionality.

How do you work out a formula for a in terms of b when a is inversely proportional to b?

a = k/b when a is inversely proportional to b, where k is a constant.

When the product of two variables is constant the variables are proportional to each other?

Yes. They are inversely proportional. The proportion y ∝ 1/x, means xy=K, where K is the constant.

What is inversely and directly proportional?

Two variables, X and Y are said to be in inversely proportional is X*Y - k where k is some non-zero constant. X and Y are said to be directly proportional if X = c*Y where c is some constant.

How do you tell if a math table is inversely proportional or directly proportional?

Generally, if y increases as x increases, this is a hint that the quantity is directly proportional, and if y decreases as x increases, the relation might be inversely proportional. However, this is not always the case. x and y are directly proportional if y = kx, where k is a constant. x and y are inversely proportional if y = k/x, k is constant. This is the best way to tell whether the quantities are directly or inversely proportional.

How are the absolute temperature and volume of a gas at constant pressure related?

They're proportional; as temperature increases volume increases.

What is the difference between directly propotional and inversely proportional?

In directly proportional the two variable vary in the same "direction". So, if one increases, the other increases.In inversely proportional, the two variable vary in opposite "directions". So, if one increases, the other decreases.

What is the definition for inverse proportional?

A variable, Y, is inversely proportional to another variable, X if XY = k for some positive constant k. An equivalent formulation is Y = k/X. What this means is that if you double X, then Y is halved. If you treble X then Y is reduced to a third etc.

How do you use constant K?

In chemistry, K is 273+Degrees C.

Find a formula for Poiseuilles Law given that the rate of flow is proportional to the fourth power of the radius and Use k as the proportionality constant?

Rate of flow varies as R^4 where R is the radius or Rate of flow = (k) x (R^4)

What does proportional and inversely proportional mean?

Two measures are proportional if both are zero at the same time, and increases of the same amount one are accompanied by increase of equal amounts in the other. Algebraically, Y = cX where c is some fixed number, called the constant of proportionality. Two variables W and Z are inversely proportional if W*Z = k for some fixed number - also called the constant of proportionality. The relationship may also be written as W = k/Z.

A term used to describe the relationship between two variables whose product is constant?

The relationship between two variables whose ration is a constant value is a directly proportional relationship. An example of this is the ideal gas law, PV = nRT. Pressure and volume are directly proportional to the number of molecules of an ideal gas present ad the temperature.