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Yes. Your female dog can become pregnant by more than one male dog during her heat cylcle.

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Keep them apart or spay them

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Q: Will 2 female dogs fight if one is in heat?
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What causes female dogs to go into heat Can male dogs cause this to happen?

Female dogs go into heat when they think of mating, they get excited, then the male dogs will mate with them... however a male dog can make a female one to go into heat by licking the dog's vulva with their tongues...........

Do your other female dogs know if one of your females is coming into heat?


How long are dogs in heat?

Dogs are in heat for about twenty one days. There are three stages in a female dogs' heat cycle.

Can a pit terrier mix impregnat a female at 8 mo?

If both dogs are intact and the female is in heat, yes. The best way to prevent this is to have one or both dogs altered. If not, the dogs MUST be separated for the entire heat cycle (usually three weeks) to avoid breeding.

Why would a female dog in heat fight off the male day after day?

They don't go into heat one day and out the next - heat lasts for a few weeks.

Why are the female dog's private swollen?

These are one of the cues that indicate a dog is in heat.

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If the female dog has a normal heat cycle, it last 21 days.

If two male dog's got stuck the one female dog can the puppies come out like one dog or both dog's?

I've never heard of 2 male dogs mating one female at the same time... however it is my understanding that should a female mate with 2 different dogs during her heat it is possible that she could have puppies to both dogs, meaning her one litter of puppies could have different fathers

How do dingoes attract one another?

The same as dogs, the female comes on heat once a year and acts the same way a dog does to attract a mate.

How many dogs will a female breed with?

Any, and all that are available. If you were to let a in-heat female loose with 50 intact male dogs, she would mate with every single one of them, if she had the time. Don't think a female won't breed with a great Dane if she's a JRT, or a chihuahua if she's a Labrador. Dogs do crazy things when their instincts kick in. Be careful!

When it is breeding time should the turtles fight?

only if there is two males and one female they will fight to mate with the female

Will a male inside dog whine if he knows there is ha female in heat?

Dogs whine for a lot of reasons. This could be one of them. Dogs can tell by the smell when another dog is in estrus, so an intact male dog might very well whine to get out to visit a nearby female in heat. A neutered male probably won't care much.