

Is there DNA in plant or animal cells?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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10y ago

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Yes they will look alike because of the cell's small structural and functional unit of an organism. Typically microscopic and consisting of cytoplasm; because all cells are a part of life so the only difference would be the color.

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12y ago

Pretty much!

DNA is DNA and it looks like long, stringy white./pale extremely skinny spaghetti. In you school experience you should see DNA extracted from both plants and animal cells and the amount depends on the amount of cells extracted from.

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13y ago

There is DNA in both animal and plant cells but they are not the same type of DNA you might find in a human.

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14y ago

DNA is in every cell.

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an animal cell

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DNA is in both plant and animal cells

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Q: Is there DNA in plant or animal cells?
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Is a DNA a plant or animal cell or both?

DNA is in both cells.

If you extracted DNA from animal cells instead of plant cells what cell barrier would have been different?

Plant cells have a cell wall around their cell membrane, while animal cells do not.

What type of cell has enzymes DNA ribosomes and mitochondria?

A eukaryotic cell, either plant or animal.

What's the difference in ribosomes in animal cells and plant cells?

Plant cells have a rigid structure, while animal cells have a more flexible structure.Explanation...A plant cell contains a cell wall (made primarily of cellulose) which gives the cell a rigid structure. Animal cells do not contain cell walls, so they have a more flexible structuredefined by their underlying cytoskeleton.Both plant cells and animals divide.In both plant cells and animal cells, the DNA is stored in the nucleus.Plant cells carry out photosynthesis, while animal cells do not.------------------------------------------------------------------

What is the difference between animal and plant DNA extraction?

Plant DNA extractionPlant genomic DNA is more difficult to extract because of the plant's cell wall, which is removed by homogenization, or by adding cellulase to degrade the cellulose that makes up the cell wall. Also, the metabolites present in the plant cell may interfere with genomic DNA extraction by contaminating the DNA sample during the precipitation process.Animal DNA ExtractionPeripheral blood leukocytes are a main source of animal genomic DNA, but sample collection is difficult as blood must be withdrawn from the animal. Blood contains a range of compounds like proteins, lipids, white blood cells, red blood cells, platelets, and plasma, which can contaminate the DNA sample. The primary contaminant of animal DNA extracted from blood samples is heme, the non-protein component of hemoglobin.DifferencesThe differences between plant and animal DNA lie in the sequence of bases in the helix. Compounds found in plant cells are absent in animal cells, and DNA base sequences reflect this, as the genomic plant DNA is often larger than animal DNA. These differences affect extraction methods, as it impacts on yield and purity of DNA.

Related questions

Out of bacterial cells animal cells and plant cells which contain DNA?

Bacterial cells, animal cells, and plant cells all have DNA. DNA contains information for the cell on how to perform tasks. In plant and animal cells, DNA is contained in a nucleus, unlike bacterial cells where DNA is contained in a nucleoid.Hope this helped

Where is DNA located in plant and animal cells?

Most of plant and animal cells' DNA is found in the nucleus, although a small amount is also found in the mitochondria (in both plant and animal cells) and in the chloroplasts (in plant cells).

Do plant cells have single or multiple dna chromosomes?

Plant cells have single DNA chromosomes. Animal Cells have multiple.

Is DNA found in plant cells or animal cells?

Deoxyribonucleic acid is the basis for both plant and animal life.

Is there DNA in plant and animal cells?

yes there is

Is a DNA a plant or animal cell or both?

DNA is in both cells.

What are three things plant and animal cells have?

All plant and animal cells contain a cell membrane, a nucleus and DNA.

Where is the DNA located in plant and animal cells?

in the nucleus i think

Where in DNA found in a plant cell?

Nucleus, the same as animal cells.

Is human DNA built the same as a plant?

The structure & replication process of eukaryotic cells DNA ie in eukaryotic plant and animal cells are same.Human cell is an eukaryotic animal cell, so its structure is similar to the plant cells but the arrangement of base sequence are different.

If you extracted DNA from animal cells instead of plant cells what cell barrier would have been different?

Plant cells have a cell wall around their cell membrane, while animal cells do not.

Is chromatin in animal and plant cells?

Yes, chromatin is in both animal and plant cells. Chromatin is contained in the nucleus and it contains the cell's hereditary information, DNA.