

Will Iran attack Israel

Updated: 8/22/2023
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11y ago

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For the moment, Iran does not need to attack Israel. Its proxy armies like the Syrians, Hezbollah, and Hamas (all funded by and/or trained in Iran) are doing a sufficient job attacking and fighting Israel. If Israel or the United States declares open war on Iran, however, Iran will retaliate by attacking Israel since its missiles can reach targets in that area.

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11y ago
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10y ago

Answer 1

ABSOLUTELY!! . Israel has the technology in advanced weapons and has the training and intelligence to beat Iran in a war. If we have see and learned from all of Israels past wars that they have always come out on top. All the Iranian president does is MOUTH OFF and threaten Israel every other chance he gets. An extreme lunatic like that needs to be addressed and defended against. I believe that Israel SHOULD AND WILL defend themselves and will come out the victor.

Answer 2

I am far more cautious than Answer 1. Iran and Israel have never had a proper military engagement before. It is likely that a war between the two parties would have much more to do with where the war took place (because of homefield advantage) and espionage activities.

Iran has strong anti-aircraft missile batteries and a much more sophisticated military than any that Israel has faced. Additionally, a ground assault in Iran would be extremely hostile to Israel especially since they would only be able to arrive through parachuting or amphibious landings. Iran also has a rugged topography and numerous mountain ranges in comparison to the hills and sand dunes that the Israeli land forces are more familiar with.

Israel would also present numerous difficulties for Iranian invasions. Israel has a general technological advantage as well as numerous anti-aircraft batteries. Also, any direct invasion of Israel would likely bring in the United States.

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13y ago

If Iran did not use Nuclear weapon's then Israel would definitely win, it is the military power within the Middle East, and has won all the Arab-Israeli wars so far.

And Israel has the support of the EU and the United States.

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Iran and Israel are the two major regional powers in the Middle East, however, Israel has consistently maintained the top position. This has resulted in Iran wishing to take hegemony away from Israel and become the dominant power in the Middle East. To this end, Iran has supported the Syrian Alawite Government (Bashar Al-Assad), the Terrorist/Paramilitary Organization of Hezbollah, the Terrorist/Paramilitary Organization of Hamas, and several other groups intending to weaken Israel and its position. Iran has consistently stated that it believes that Israel is a cancer and must be wiped off the face of the map (even though they make it clear that "they will not do the wiping"). Using these secondary forces to oppose Israel makes it appear like Iran is a peaceful country since Iran did not declare war on Israel, Hezbollah did or Hamas did. It gives Iran an odd deniability. Israel has responded by killing Iranian nuclear scientists and consistently derailing Iran's nuclear program. Israel has focused its energy in defending its borders and trying to contain retaliation to its source, not the proxies.

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