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Q: Will a blind baby can smile at the age the normal baby can smile?
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Is a blind babies begin smiling at bout the same age as babies who can see?

you dont need to see to be able to smile?

At what age can a baby see?

they can see from when they are born (providing the baby isn't blind) but how far they can see and colours etc improves as they develop.

What age can a baby see you clearly?

A baby can see clearly at about 1 year. Babies are born legally blind, and their vision is very blurry.

You have 20 month baby boy his length is 87cm is that normail for his age?

baby boy at 20 months his length is 87cm is that normal for his age

What is the normal weight of an 8months old baby?

In order for you to check the normal weight of the baby, you need first to indicate the gender of the baby and his or her present weight. This information is needed to check the baby's normal weight using a baby weight percentile calculator. From then on, you can refer to the WHO Baby Growth Chart, so you can determine the normal weight of the baby at that particular age.

At the age of 18 months Helen keler was deaf or blind?

neither. at eighteen months she was normal. nineteen months is when she lost her hearing and eyesight.

What is the normal head size of a baby age 36 weeks?

This is typically about 14 inches (35 centimetres)

Was ray Charles blind by birth?

yes it started at the age of 5. he went completely blind at the age of seven. the cause was glaucoma

When did Helen Keller get blind and def?

Helen Keller became both blind and deaf at the age of 19 months following an illness that doctors believe was scarlet fever or meningitis.

Why do babies smile?

Babies who smile at a young age usually have gas. They do smile because they are happy but newborns honestly they probably have gas.

Why are blind mice blind?

how are mice blind.......The same way that humans are. plus it depends on age and breed

Why did John Milton became blind and in which age?

John Milton became blind due to a progressive eye condition called glaucoma. He began losing his sight in his early 40s and by the age of 43, he was completely blind.