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A urine test will show results after you have missed your period. Some can show results the day of your period. A blood test will show results a lot sooner. I don't know when, but probably the day of or after you conceived. Depending on the urine test used, the more sensitive ones on the market now can detect a low as 15IUL of HCG, these HPT's are sold mostly on the internet, First Response Early and Clear Blue Easy Early are also accurate in lower concentrations but the HCG levels must be 25 IUL's, First Response may claim as low as 20 IUL but not sure. The blood test can be accurate as much as 6 days after implantation. The urine tests vary, the early tests say 4 days before expected period, but you can still get false -'s if you don't have enough of the hcg hormone.

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Q: Will a blood test or urine test show you are pregnant earlier and how soon are they reliable?
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As you had a blood test, you are definitely not pregnant. The blood test is 100% accurate.

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A urine home pregnancy test or a urine test at the doctor or a blood test at the doctor.

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No, they can give you a blood test or urine sample also

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Can both a urine and blood pregnancy test be wrong?

Yes. When I was pregnant with my daughter I took 2 urine tests and a blood pregnancy test all through my doctor's office and they were all negative. I was told I had polycystic ovarian syndrome. The only way I found out I was pregnant was via ultrasound.

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Yes. You can have an ultra sound but most Dr's will not do one unless you have been confirmed pregnant by a blood and/or a urine test.