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Yes. Not only will Coca Cola rust a nail, over time it will totally dissolve it because of the acids contained within. Hooweestik. It will also rust galvenized nails although the process will take quite a bit longer. It will also rust aluminum nail although you wouldn't see the full process in one life-time.

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16y ago
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12y ago

The active ingredient in Coke is phosphoric acid. Its pH is 2.8. It will dissolve a nail in about 4 days.

Edit by unknownvengance

Well... all liquids contain water wich contains Oxygen. Rusting is caused by oxygen in the air and is sped up by salt. Also, milk contains extreamly weak acids and that helps corrode the metal. Coke has carbanation and that corrodes the nails much like natural carbonation makes caves.

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16y ago

It will rust faster in fizzy, fresh coke because that has more oxygen, but as the coke sits out longer and loses CO2 the nail will begin to rust slower until water would make it rust faster.

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14y ago

Yes, but it's the water in the soda rather than the sugar or the carbonic acid that causes this.

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coke, vinegar, tap water, any other adequate acids

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the nail will rust in water or any other substance that it is in by a chemical reaction

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metal nails rust ANSWER: Iron nails do.

You are in the 7th grade and you are doing a science project on which soda will remove rust from a nail can anyone help you out with this project?

Coca Cola will remove the rust from your rusty nail. Place the rusty nail in a glass of coke and check it the next day. The nail should be free of rust. Can also be used to make old copper pennies nice and shiny again. ...Oh, and by the way; don't drink the coke after you're done.

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