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No, bees generally do not come back to an underground nest which is destroyed by human-controlled fires. But there always may be exceptions to the above-mentioned rule. For example, bees will return if the underground tunnel remains useful or when population levels and viable alternative shelters remain respectively high and low.

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Q: Will bees return to burned out underground nests?
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Why do some bees and wasps have nests underground?

Your statement implied in this sentence is not true. Hornets and bees may choose to nest on the ground or in a tree. Hornets more commonly prefer the ground, where the opposite holds for bees.

What is a bumble bees favourite place to live?

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Where do any bees live?

Bees live in different locations. The honeybee lives in a hive as do many other species of this insect. Some bees burrow underground and others live in small nests.

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Bumble Bees usually live underground. While honeybees usually make their nests in above ground structures, they have been known to use underground containers.

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Nature. Bees are insects. Birds make nests.

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No, bees will relocate and rebuild their nests.

Do hornets live underground?

YESKiller bees are just africanized honey bees which look the same but are more agreesive & live in the same places-usually above ground. Only a DNA test can distinguish difference which I am doing one right now.

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How to Kill Sand Bees. Sand bees or ground bees burrow down into the soil to build their hives.

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Do bees have a sort of camouflage?

Yes. Honey Bees do camouflage. Their color is the color of honey. As stated in the name, Honey Bee.

What are the signs there are bees in your home?

You hear buzzing and see nests