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Even boiled distilled water will still have oxygen, but the oxygen will not be in elemental form as a dissolved gas.

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Q: Will boiled distilled water no longer have oxygen?
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Is boiled water distilled water?

No, boiled water is simply boiled. Distilled water is when the steam from the boiling is gathered and rebottled.

Can I Substitute boiled water for distilled water?

No. They are not the same. Distilled water is only water. Boiled water will likely contain minerals.

Is distilled water the same as distillation?

Boiled water is not the same as distilled water. Distilled water is boiled until it turns to steam, as the steam cools the water is recollected, so what you have is pure water. Boiled water is boiled just until it is sterilized and bacteria has been removed.

Can you use boiled water in battery?

No, only use distilled water.

What is the difference between boiled water distilled aater and tap water?

theoretically water when boiled becomes distilled water, boiling water gets rid of any impurities in tap you could say boiled water which is then cooled is cleaner than tap water

Is distilled water a substance pure or a mixture?

Pure substance.

Does the content of oxygen in water decreases when water is boiled for too long?

When you boil water the oxygen content is reduced to zero. (All gasses are driven out,) Boiling it longer doesn't have much effect.

Is flouride in distilled water?

No. Fluoride does not break down when water is boiled and remains in the distilling vessel.

Is water condensed from air conditioner is distilled?

Indeed it is. Almost. There may be impurities, because it has not been boiled to evaporation temperature. Do not use it as 'distilled' water.

Why does hot water when put in freezerfreeze faster than cold water?

it doesn't water that has been boiled does as it has been distilled

Why is not available for us to drink distilled water?

we don't use distilled water for drinking because it would be too expensive to distill all of it and in any case there are many useful minerals in the water that benefit the body. Most of the things in normal drinking water benefit us we just have to be careful that we donut have harmful bacteria or other organisms in it.

How made distilled water?

water is boiled - the steam is captured and cooled back to water. Will remove heavy particulates and other elements.