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Yes. Too little will make it darker. If you drink too much, your body will remove more. If you drink too little, your body will hold on to more.

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Q: Will drinking to much water make your piss clear?
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How much of the earths water is fresh water and how much is for drinking?

3% is fresh, but 1% is for drinking.

Should urine be clear?

yes if u drink adequate fluids. colored urine is usually a sigh of dehydrationnoNo actually it is quite good.It means your drinking a lot of water so since its water its coming out clear.When its yellow it means your not drinking to much water.And if your not drinking a lot of water and its clear then you should probably check with your doctor.Hope this helps!

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drinking too much water is dangerous because all this water is absorbed and as it is taken out of the system it carries useful nutrients and minerals, mainly salts, along.

Does chugging water help you lose weight?

yes but no because your drinking to much water and that will just make you have to pee and be more heathier

Does drinking to much water make you throw up or lose weight?

The first: It might. The second: No way.

What does drinking a lot of water do to your kidneys?

Yes, you can also die by drinking too much water.

Can drinking too much water give you gas?

HAHA i dont think so. Drinking too much water doesn't give you gas but overdoing the water drinking can cause drowning yourself.

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Eating or drinking to much of most anything can make you fat.

What effects does malnutrition have on urine color?

Lack of water will make it a darker color, too much water and it will be completely clear.

How much water does a horse drink in summer?

not that much just make sure that there getting enough water through out the day . if you notice that they are drinking alot you should think about putting electrolites in there water

Is a gallon of water to much to drink if trying to lose weight?

NO. You would not survive drinking that much water. Drinking a lot of water in a short time destroys the body's chemical balance. Drinking 3 quarts in a day could be dangerous; and five gallons is 20 quarts.

Is drinking too much water a drug?

What? No!