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They won't grow at all when frozen.

Some seeds need to suffer a cold spell before they germinate for example alpines, this does not mean they will grow faster it just means they will not germinate without the cold spell.

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Q: Will frozen seeds grow faster or slower than non-frozen seeds?
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If you place seeds in microwave do they grow faster or slower?

Microwaves will essentially cook the inside (embryo and cotyledons) of the seed - killing it. The germination would be effected by the duration that the seeds were in the microwave. Microwaves do not make seed grow faster or slower, they effect the germination and vigor of the seeds - negatively.

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Crowded seeds grow faster because they have more competition for water and nutrients so they have to hurry to grow into a plant. Uncrowded seeds grow slower becasue they have no competition so they can take as long as they want, the water will still be there.

Where can you buy frozen pomegranate seeds?

You can find frozen pomegranate seeds at most trader Joe's stores

Do frozen seeds sprout and why?

Seeds will not sprout when frozen, but some seeds require a period of freezing before they will germinate. This is because in the wild the seed will becovered by snow or ice during the winter.

Do bean seeds grow faster than other seeds?

yes because they grow faster

What types of seeds sprout faster?

squash seeds sprout faster then any other seed

Is a frozen seed alive?

Some seeds can survive being frozen and will grow when planted.

What seeds will sprout after been frozen?

mango lychy

Do squash seeds grow faster than bean seeds?

A squash plant grows faster than bean plant

Does seeds have to be frozen to sprout?

No,seeds needn't be frozen to sprout. Seeds sprout just liek grains, when they are placed in a moist environment. It is prefferable to keep them ia a wet cotton cloth for a day or two, so that the can germinate easily.

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Will frozen custard apple seeds sprout?

It's unlikely but not impossible.