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Yes. You will have to eat more food since the metabolism is high. If one has a high metabolism, most likely they are a "hard gainer", which means it will be hard to gain muscle if you dont have a diet specifically designed for bulking/gaining weight.

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Q: Will having a high metabolism affect muscle growth?
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Does ecstasy affect muscle growth?

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Yes! Especially High Intensity Exercises. Also, having more muscle increases metabolism!

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No. It will help manage new muscle mass keeping you flexible but it doesn't directly affect muscle growth. Train for strength and eat for mass.

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continue aerobic metabolism when skeletal muscle cannotcontinue aerobic metabolism when the skeletal muscle cannot

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What Bodily functions are not affected by metmoblism?

Bodily functions that are not directly affected by metabolism include cell division, nerve signaling, and muscle contraction. Metabolism primarily involves processes related to energy production and utilization in the body.

If you are 14 5'8 and weigh 137 pounds are you fat?

No, you are not. Strive to start building muscle as you continue into your teens. Having a solid foundation of muscle will help you maintain a healthy weight and keep your metabolism strong!

What is heart muscle growth?

Heart muscle growth , Muscle growth is called Hypertrophy. Combine that with the cardiovasuclar system is called cardial hypertrophy.

Does swimming after working out stop muscle growth?

no it does not stop muscle growth. it actually gains more muscle.

You are a body builder and you often ejaculate semen does your muscle growth stop due to ejaculation of semen or does your already grown muscle decrease due to ejaculation?

There is very little calories used up in the making of semen. There is nothing in the release of semen that is going to affect muscle growth or retention.

How does glycogenolysis affect fitness and metabolism?

As glycogenolysis is key in helping the body break down foods for energy processing, it is important for one to have a stable metabolism. For those maintaining a low carbohydrate/high protein diet, there isn't enough balance in the body's nutrients to maintain a healthy balance. Glycogenolysis can aid in the depletion of muscle rather than the building of muscle. Loss of muscle tone can lower your rate of metabolism, which is counter effective in maintaining a healthy lifestyle.