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I am not sure but if they do go for them! because if they can than my computer must die!

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Q: Will mini rex rabbits survive a New Jersey winter?
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Related questions

How long are rabbits in heat for?

Personally, I have had TONS of rabbits and they're in heat for at least 2-7 days. maybe a little longer depending on the breed. I've had Mini Lops, Mini Rexes, Checkered Giants, Jersey Wooleys, New zelands, Silver Marten... I have owned every breed, but the English Lop!!!!!!!

Do UK mini lop rabbits make good house rabbits?

No, not at all

How big do mini lop ear rabbits grow?

mini lop ear rabbits grow to approx 3-3.5 pounds in weight.

What is the scientific name for mini rex rabbits?

All domestic rabbits, including mini Rex rabbits, belong to the European Rabbit species and their scientific name is Oryctolagus cuniculus.

What rabbits do not shed?

ALL RABBITS SHED. The one that sheds the least is the Rex or Mini Rex.

What are the most popular breed of rabbits?

Mini Rex

Where do mini rex rabbits originate from?

France in 1919

Do mini lop rabbits like being on a leash?


Where do mini lops come from?

Mini lop rabbits look like a scaled-down version of the larger standard lop rabbits. The breed appears to have originated in Germany.

How big do mini lionhead rabbits grow?

There are no mini lionhead rabbits. There are only normal lionhead rabbits. They grow up to 3 pounds.

Do mini lop rabbits dig?

All rabbits can dig, but not all will actually show the instinct to dig.

Does a mini rex rabbit bathe?

Mini Rex rabbits, like all pet rabbits, bathe themselves by licking their fur. If your rabbit is dirty and needs a bath, something is wrong! See the related question below for more details (it applies to all pet rabbits, including Mini Rex rabbits).