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If you are genuinely having a period, then the test will come out negative because you cannot be pregnant. However, some women think they are menstruating when they may be bleeding for some reason in early pregnancy. The test then could either be positive or negative depending on the condition of the baby.

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If you're on your period, chances are you're not pregnant.

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14y ago

If you have your period, you are probably not pregnant.

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Q: Can a Pregnancy test tell im pregnant if im on your period?
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How do you tell in pregnant after a period?

Take a pregnancy test

Can taking a pregnancy test during your period tell you if your pregnant?

Your period shouldn't affect the test! There is really no point in doing a pregnancy test during a period. Usually, if you are having a period you are not pregnant. A pregnancy test senses the BHCG hormone so your period should not affect it.

What happens If you take a pregnancy test before your period?

it will just tell you if you are pregnant or not

How can you tell you're pregnant before your missed period?

By taking a pregnancy test.

Will a pregnancy test tell you are pregnant if you have missed your period for 8 weeks?

no it can't tell you if you missed your period for 8 weeks

How can you tell Im pregnant if im still having your period and pregnancy test are negative?

If you are on your period and u take a pregnancy test and its negative maybe you tested too early, your not pregnant or your eggs aren't coming together fast enough to tell if your pregnant or not .

Could i be pregnant missed Period Cramps Headaches didnt take a test yet though am I pregnant?

I can't tell you if you are pregnant, because I'm not psychic. But I can tell you that those are pregnancy symptoms, so you shouls take a pregnancy test, which can tell you if you are pregnant or not

How early can a pregnancy test tell your pregnant?

mine was a week before my period my friends was a week after her missed period..

Will a pregnancy test tell me if im pregnant two weeks before my period is supposed to start?

No. If your period doesn't arrive, then take a test

How can you tell that your pregnant?

Usually a pregnancy test will pick up the pregnancy hormone by the first or second day of your missed period if you are pregnant, but many tests suggest that you wait a week after you miss your period.

Can you be pregnant if your period was a week late and then bled for 2 days?

Yes you can be pregnant. Take a pregnancy test and visit your doctor. Yes, you can still be pregnant as what appeared to be a period may be bleeding associated with pregnancy. The best way to tell is to do a home test, which should be accurate by this stage.

How can you tell if you pregnant?

By taking a pregnancy test.