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depends on the personality of the cat, some yes some no. but i would still try

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Q: Will the mother cat scratch you if she sees you touching or getting to close to her babies?
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I'm not saying I know, but probably not, because the mother will scratch you if you try and touch her babies.

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It usually has something to do with touching the newborns, you shouldn't touch them, this can cause the mother to reject them because it doesn't smell right to her.

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Until the babies are grown enough to leave the mother and separated into other cages. If you reintroduce the father he may get jealous of the attention the mother is giving to the babies and hurt the babies or kill them because he isn't getting the attention. Also, if you reintroduce the father when the babies are grown, the father might mate with the mother AND the females of the litter and then OOPS... more babies!

Will your mother rabbit neglect her babies when her new litter is here?

Probably not, so I wouldn't recommend touching them until after observing for a day or two to see if the mother will return. If you touch them, you'll get the human scent on them, and even if the mother does return, she may actually abandon them because you had touched them.

How many babies can a mother have?

20The mother may have up to 6 or 8 babies.

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Not by "stork". Babies are born from the mother after growing inside the mother for 9 months.

Why is the mother eating the babies?

If the mother is very young or if she is under stress she sometimes eats the babies,

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As mother dolphins can have up to 5 babies in their life.

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mother Teresa looked after the unwanted babies and kept them safe

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by hugging and touching them.