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If as seems likely, your Mom was the owner of the house (i.e., her name was on the title/deed), the proceeds of the sale of that house will have to be used for her nursing home care or other medical care.

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Q: Will the proceeds of Moms house sale have to be used for nursing home before we apply for medicaid even tho it was in me and my sisters name?
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Is the surviving spouse responsible for paying nursing home bills owed before becoming eligible for medicaid in Virginia?

No, settling up with the nursing home(s) is not an eligibility factor for Medicaid.

Can a parent give money to an adult child before they sign up for Medicaid?

If the adult son is the one applying for Medicaid, money received from the parents prior to the application will likely have no effect on his eligibility. If the parent is the one applying for Medicaid and is a nursing home resident, please be advised that the Medicaid agency will investigate any transfer of assets by the parent, including gifts, that occurred in the 60 months prior to applying for Medicaid. The parent may be penalized for transferring assets without receiving "fair market value."

Can Medicare or Medicaid pierce an irrevocable trust?

It depends on how the trust is drafted. A properly drafted irrevocable trust, in Florida, will be invisible to Medicaid (Medicare doesn't factor assets into whether or not one is qualified the way Medicaid does). However, transfers of assets into the trust must be done 5 years before applying to medicaid or medicaid will assess a transfer penalty (this is referred to as the "five year lookback"). The transfer penalty is a period of ineligibility for certain medicaid benefits depending on the size of the transfer. As a result, irrevocable trust planning would not be appropriate for all Medicaid planning scenarios.

What happens if you gift a home to someone then apply for medicaid nursing home?

If you gift a home to someone and then apply for Medicaid nursing home benefits, it may be considered a transfer of assets for less than fair market value. This could result in a penalty period where you are not eligible for Medicaid benefits for a certain period of time. The length of the penalty period will depend on the value of the gift and the average monthly cost of nursing home care in your state. It is important to consult with an elder law attorney or Medicaid planning professional before making any gift or asset transfers.

If you qualify for medicaid will you get back money taken out of medicare before qualification?

You are not required to pay back Medicaid or Medicare.

What if you get pregnant before you apply for medicaid?

you can still apply for it

If me and my fiance move in together before marriage can she lose her medicaid coverage?

No, but when you marry, Medicaid will look at you and your spouse's income/assets.

What are the laws regarding a parent gifting monies before entering a nursing home Is there a time frame on when the Nursing Home can go after the money?

you can get a solution here In my experience, Medicaid is working towards a 5-year look back so depending upon how the gift is given, you might be penalized if you need Medicaid within the next 5 years. Care-specific trusts can help and there are some other solutions that make contacting an elder law attorney worth your time and effort.

If you have a judgment lien against your home can you sell it and keep the proceeds of 125000 dollars?

Of course not. The lien will have to be paid from the proceeds before they are turned over to you.

Does Michigan medicaid pay for gastric bypass?

It does!! A requirement that most hospitals and barix clinics have is that you have been insured by medicaid for atleast 6 months before the surgury.

Where can I go for nursing training?

If you are already in nursing school then the school is usually affiliated with a local hospital where you will train. If your not in nursing school then you need to apply to a nursing school before you can get training.

How old do I have to be before I can fill out a Medicaid application?

You can fill out a Medicaid application at any time but you cannot get accept into the program before you are over the age of sixty-two for most people. If you are disabled you can apply sooner and see if they will accept you.