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Yes, cooler water will have a slower development that warmer water.

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Q: Will the temperature of water affect how fast the tadpoles will grow into frogs?
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Related questions

How do frogs develop into frogs?

Frogs start out as tadpoles and then they develop into jumping frogs. They start life in water.

Do tadpoles live under rocks?

No. Until tadpoles become frogs, they remain in water.

Where do tadpoles turn into frogs?

the body of water they grow up in

Do frogs live in the coral reefs?

no there are no tadpoles in the coral reef they can not live in salt water

What is the difference between what tadpoles and adult frogs eat?

Adult frogs eat dragonflies and flies, and tadpoles eat water bugs and microscopic organisms in the water.

What do tadpoles need to change into frogs?

heat food and fresh water

Does algae left in water for long periods of time turn into tadpoles?

No. Tadpoles are newly-hatched frogs and come from their eggs.

Are worms amphibians?

No. Frogs are amphibians because they begin life as tadpoles in water.

Do all amphibians migrate?

It really depends on what kind of animal. Frogs migrate from water to land as they grow into frogs from tadpoles.

Where do tadpoles live?

Tadpoles are able to live in the rainforest, where you can hear frogs croaking, foresty streams, sometimes frogs lay them in unused pools or ponds in backyards, and usually 9x9 meter shallow ponds.

Which group of vertebrates begins life in water and later lives on land?


Why frogs lay eggs in water?

The tadpoles cant survive if the eggs are layed on land