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Most times, but not always, the kicking will stop when the pecking order is established when one of the mares dominant over the other and the other recognized the dominance. If the kicking does not stop after two or three weeks then they will have to be separated.

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Q: Will two mares ever get along that constantly try kicking at one another?
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Can a preg horse feel foal fetus movement?

Depending on how far along the mare is...check between her hips and the where you would place your stirrup, that's where you should start to see her getting bigger.When the foal moves you can also see the movement in the same area (mare needs to be pretty far along). Also you can try using your cannot hurt her or the foal..just put one hand in front of her hip, reach under her belly and put your other hand in the same spot on the opposite side...push your hands towards one another...if she is pretty far along you should be able to feel the foal, especially if it is moving.

Do all pregnant mares wax?

No...not all mares wax before foaling.

What is a mares reaction to a stallion mating it?

The mares do not know what is going on but that there is a stallion on her back. This is natual for a horse to do, Mares sometimes buck and get mad. And some just lay back and don't care. It is all about the mare's attitude.

Are mares ever spayed?

Yes, mares can be spayed. Every year a few mares are spayed but most mare owners choose to leave a mare intact in case they want to breed her. Mares that are the best candidates for spaying are those with poor conformation, genetic disease's, cross breeds, and those with hormonal problems that lead to aggression and pain.

What happens during horse breeding like what are the horse's reactions how does the stallion act mare act ect?

It all depends on what kind of breeding you are doing and what type of stallion your breeding to and also your mare. some stallions are very well behaved and gentle but others can get a little aggressive and excited. Mares can also act up with squeeling and kicking.