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You certainly can go on to have a healthy pregnancy or pregnancies after having an ectopic pregnancy. If you had your tube removed, and still have one working tube and ovary, your chances of getting pregnant each month are simply half that of a woman with 2 functioning ovaries and tubes. This is because your ovary will most likely only release an egg every other month, as it always has.

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Yes just like after any pregnancy regardless of how it ends you will have the pregnancy hormones a while longer until they settle and the test will show positive.

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YES! of course

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Q: Will you have a positive pregnancy test after surgery for ectopic pregnancy?
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Can you have negative pregnancy test If you are having a ectopic pregnancy?

if you go here it tells you all about ectopic pregnancy's

On the results of what test results is diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy usually made?

presentation of symptoms, a positive pregnancy test, and detection of a pregnancy outside of the uterus by means of ultrasonography

You do not get your periods nor is your pregnancy test positive since 6 weeks from date Is it tubular pregnancy?

I had an ectopic (tubular) pregnancy, and my home pregnancy test was positive by 5 weeks. I would go to your obgyn and get a blood test. They can check hormone levels to see if you are pregnant, how far along you may be, and if they feel it may be ectopic. Good Luck!

If you have a positive test but nothing is seen on the scan?

It may be a blighted ovum or an ectopic pregnancy, Be blessed.

False pregnancy test with ectopic pregnancy?

Meaning "negative pregnancy test" with ectopic pregnancy: Any test can fail, urine test, blood simple test, and quantitative HGC test. Also the timing of the test versus the diagnosis by image (ultrasound). Ectopic pregnancy is only diagonsed with image, ultrasound, CT, MR.

Today you took a pregnancy test it was negative im on day 37 of your cycle im usually 29 day cycle what do you do next can this be an ectopic pregnancy?

If it was an ectopic pregnancy, you would still show positive on a pregnancy test. Do you have any other pregnancy symptoms? I would not consider pregnancy unless you feel you may be pregnant from some other sign.

How do you know when you have ectopic pregnancy?

Ruling out ectopic pregnancy is no different with or without Depo Provera. First, the pregnancy test is positive. Second, there is a pelvic mass, or abnormal ultrasound, or abnormal change in hCG levels. Contact your health care provider if you think you may be having a tubal pregnancy, as you cannot diagnose this condition at home.

Does a pregnancy test read negative when you have a ectopic pregnancy?

an ectopic pregnancy has the same symptoms and signs as a regular pregnancy and you still develop the hormones you would with a normal pregnancy. The human chorionic gonadotropin levels are what cause the pregnancy test to read positive. All pregnancies have hcg levels that should be doubling every other day in early gestation.. an ectopic pregnancy may test negative if taken too early, or too late because the body will eventually,(around 6-11 weeks) begin to try to expel the pregnancy when hormone levels begin to drop when the fetus is no longer viable and must be removed Hope it helps!

Can you have an accurate pregnancy test if you have had an ectopic pregnancy before?

Of course you can doesnt change that

Is it possible to get a positive pregnancy test result after having surgery for an ectopic pregnancy?

Pregenancy well occur if there's sperms and there's a woman Answer--->YES, when i had a tuble pregnancy my doctor said not to have sex, and she also told me that yes if i were to take a test it would show positive because of the tuble...thats just one of the reasons why the doctor would tell you not to have sex for a while so that your hormones can get back to normal. hope this helps you..

What is done when you have a ectopic pregnancy?

Well there are usually a small handful of possibilities that comes to treating an ectopic pregnancy. One, the ectopic pregnancy dies and the mothers body reabsorbs the egg and at times is never even detected and the woman might have never even known she was pregnant. If you encountered a positive pregnancy test then a later did another one and it came back negative, that could have been a possibility that it was an ectopic pregnancy. Or the other possibility with an ectopic pregnancy is that the tube that is holding the ectopic pregnancy may rupture causing severe abdominal pain and may cause extreme complications and surgery may be needed. If the ectopic pregnancy is detected by a physician, then he/she may prescribe a drug called methotrexate, which is injected into a muscles and ends the pregnancy. If the embryo is small enough doctors can remove the embryo through laparoscopic surgery and can usually save the tube. In this situation, a general anesthetic will be used and you will need to take about a week to recover. * * * You will most likely have to undergo minor surgery to remove the ectopic pregnancy or you can be prescribed medication that will end the pregnancy.

When do you notice a etopic pregnancy?

It is rather difficult to notice an ectopic pregnancy, however you may suspect in these circumstances: Positive pregnancy test, abdominal pain and discomfort, vaginal bleeding. Previous history of EP, salpingitis, tubal surgery or intrauterine devices for contraception is predisposing factors. Ultimate diagnosis is made by measuring of bHCG to confirm pregnancy and by intravaginal ultrasonography. Ectopic pregnancy can be a life threatening situation and must be diagnosed early or else there is a risk for maternal death.