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Q: Will you help me adjust my bicycle seat is in the interrogative mood?
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Can you write an interrogative sentence like The bicycle was invented by whom If your answer is yes please explain the grammar?

Certainly. "The bicycle was invented by whom?" is a question, and hence interrogative.This question is worded in the passive voice. In the active voice, it would be written thus: "Who invented the bicycle?" When you switch from the active to the passive, the object of the verb (bicycle, object of invented) becomes the subject, and the agent or doer of the verb (the subject--in this case who) becomes the object of the proposition by.There are several ways to word the question in the passive. Maybe you'll think this sounds more like a question: "By whom was the bicycle invented?" That is exactly the same question, same mood (indicative), same voice (passive), same sentence type (interrogative), same subject (bicycle), and same verb (was invented) as in the original question you posed. The change of word order is a perfectly legal shift.Oh, and we know it's an interrogative sentence (a question) because it has an interrogative pronoun and a question mark. Inversion of the subject and verb is in a question is expected for some question types ("Where were you on the night of the fifteenth?") but not mandatory for all.

Is how are you a declariative sentence?

No. "How are you" is an interrogative sentence, one of the other subtypes of sentences with a very in the indicative mood.

Kinds of sentence according to mood?

There are three kinds of sentences based on mood: declarative (makes a statement), interrogative (asks a question), and imperative (gives a command or request). Additionally, exclamatory sentences convey strong emotion or emphasis.

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The mood of "The Help" by Kathryn Stockett is one of inequality and injustice. At the same time, it portrays a mood of love, caring, and deep friendships in adversity.

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Talk things out with her

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What is the function of Antipsychotic medication in the treatment of Bipolar Disorder?

Some antipsychotics also have mild mood stabilizationeffects. Thus they can be used to adjust things a bit when one or more mood stabilizer drugs don't quite do it.

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The setting of the story does this.

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Well he should be supportive of her wife, learning to adjust from mood swings and etc.

How do you adjust mood effectively?

Exercise is a great way to boost your mood. It increases the levels of endorphins (our feel good hormone) in our brains. Exercise also releases adrenaline, serotonin and dopamine; which together will make you feel good. It doesn't have to be particularly strenuous exercise; a brisk walk will be effective. Proper sleep is important for regulating your moods. Drugs can alter your mood. So it is best to be mindful of this as a possible cause of mood disturbance. If your moods are low in the winter, this could be related to shorter days with less light. Some people use specific light boxes to sit in front of to help lift their mood.