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Depends on your crime, but yes.

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Q: Will your child support payments made by ex husbands disability income stop if incarcerated?
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Does court-ordered child support acrue while incarcerated. If possible how can you defer the payments?

Support accrues until/unless the court changes the terms of the order. The incarcerated obligor should petition the court to do so as soon as possible.

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In Illinois is there some way a parent can receive child support payments if one of the parents is incarcerated?

Child support is based on a percentage of net income. In an official opinion by Judge David Grey Ross, Commissioner of the Federal Office of Child Support Enforcement, child support obligation ceases while incarcerated.

Can you get child support if the father is incarcerated?

Can you get child support inArkansasif their father is incarcerated

Can you ask for child support to be paused while incarcerated?

In my sister's case the child support payments are only defered until he serves his 2-10 years. They will only continue to add up until he has payed the amount in full. This would also depend on what state you are in. We are in MI.

Does your Ex-Wife have to pay you child support for your kids if you have been put on disability?

contact the State Support Enforcement Unit. Your income is not related to HER payments

Can social security help you get child support if the father gets disability?

No, but the child is potentially eligible for RSDI payments based on his disabled father's eligibility, and these payments would count toward the father's child support obligation.

What happens to child support payments if the father is jailed?

If the father was paying you directly, the payments will, of course, cease. If this is the case you must contact the state for assistance. If you were receiving the support payment from the state, then nothing will change and his payments to reimburse the state will become an obligation/lien against him for which he will eventually have to pay the state back.

How do you write a hardship letter requesting to suspend child support if the paying parent is disabled?

Disability of the obligor is not, in itself, a reason to suspend support. Virtually all earned and unearned income (including disability payments but excluding public assistance and SSI) is considered available for child support.

Can VA disability payments be used to assess child support obligation in Utah?

Virtually all income is used to calculate child support, except for public assistance/SSI.

Can you stop your child from receiveing payments from your diablitiy benefits if they do not live with you?

If you are receiving benefits from Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), child support can be taken from your SSDI payments. However, if you are receving Supplemental Security Income, that cannot be seized for child support.

If your on disability can child support take it?

SSI? No.SSDI? For arrears. Continuing payments can be adjusted to match the child benefit check. see links.