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Class III or IV, depending on other clinical sequela.

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Class II

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Q: With a systolic pressure of 80p what class of shock is the victim in?
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What class of shock is a patient in with systolic of 80p?


What does it mean when your systolic is low?

the systolic blood pressure is the pressure that the contraction of the ventricles have on the arteries, and a low systolic means a low pressure exerted by the ventricles of the heart. A low systolic would be below 90-100 on average but everyone is different. there are many different causes including orthostatic hypotension, which is a low blood pressure when rising from laying or sitting to standing (a common side effect of blood pressure medication and many other medications), heart attack, dehydration, and shock among many other conditions.

How do you diagnose toxic shock syndrome?

Toxic shock syndrome is diagnosed based on the symptoms a person is showing. Some of these symptoms include fever, systolic blood pressure, vomiting, renal failure, and hepatic inflammation.

Why is important that no once touches the victim when administering a shock with an aed?

So the electric currents from the AED do not transfer from the victim to yourself, thus, you yourself becoming a victim of shock if exposed to the currents.

What will happen if you touch a person while the AED is delivering a shock?

The person touching the victim will also receive an electric shock (not as powerful as the victim but a shock none the less).

What might happen if you touch the victim when AED is delivering a shock?

If you touch the victim while an AED is delivering a shock, you too will receive a shock.

Why must a rescuer clear the victim prior to pushing the shock buttom on an AED?

So no other person but the victim gets the shock.

What can be vacant and shallow when a victim is in shock?


A shock victim may have cool and pale what?


You can move an unresponsive victim if you need to?

You can move an unresponsive victim if you need to...

Shock victim may have cool and pale?

One of the signs and symptoms of a shock victim is that they are usually cool and pale. It is usually important to take them to a place where there is free circulation of air.

Can a snake shock it's victim?

It is very common for snake bite victims to develop vasovagal shock