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This question is not clear. A slab alone shouldn't support a load bearing wall, except for a shed type of building.

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Q: With what concrete-like material is a conrete foundation slab leveled an average of 3 inches so as to support a load bearing wall?
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Is the foundation part of a load bearing column?

The foundation supports the column.

What is wide strip foundation?

This is a continuous strip of concrete which support load bearing walls which sit on the centre of the foundation.

What is the minimum length of pile foundation?

its depend on the soil bearing capacity

What are the fundamental requirements for building a foundation?

Load bearing capacity of the soil

What is the proposal for soil improvement under shallow foundation?

I need to know about soil improvement with respect to soil stress such as adding sand cement or similar higher stress material to get better bearing capacity.

What is plate bearing test to determine the bearing capacity of soil?

Plate load test is to find the bearing capacity and the settlement of the foundation. Description:: a test plate, square or circular in shape, are used. The plate is placed at the proposed level of the foundation and is subjected to incremental loading. Settlement at each increment of the loading is measured and a load-settlement curve is plotted. Bearing capacity and the settlement of the foundation are determined from the load-settlement curves.

What is gross safe bearing capacity?

Gross SBC means, adding additional soil bearing capacity with net bearing capacity. This additional bearing capacity density of filling material above the footing. For example Net SBC=10T/sqm, Depth of foundation 1.5m. Refilling soil density 18KN/Cum. Gross SBC=100+1.5x18=127KN/Sqm or 12.7T/Sqm at 1.5m depth.

What is the latin word for foundation?

The English-Latin translation for the word foundation is fundamentum. Foundation mean the underlying basis or principle for something or the lowest load-bearing part of a building.

In reference to "bearing cross reference", what does this mean?

Bearing cross reference refers to the bearing on a compass. There are many types of bearing crosses on a compass, and their productiveness solely depends on the material of the bearing cross needle.

What is the difference and connection between soil mechanics and foundation engineering?

soil mechanics is the science dealing with soil to knowing ,type of soil , bearing capacity of the slackening weakness and strength of the soil and by soil mechanics can we give a recommendation to the designer Foundation engineering is design of foundation of any projects ,building ,factories ,stores ....)the design of foundation type depended on the bearing capacity of the soil of the concerned site of the project.

What are bearing capacity factors?

Bearing capacity is the ability of the underlying soil to support the foundation loads without shear failure. Bearing capacity factors are empirically derived factors used in a bearing capacity equation that usually correlates with the angle of internal friction of the soil.

What is the difference between a piling and a footing?

A structure need a foundation that supports it. If the structure is built on a soil that has bearing capacity which can withstand the weight of the whole structure, then you can design the foundation on footings alone. But if the soil is WEAK, you need piles to penetrate further the soil to have greater bearing strength.