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A growing maple tree

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Q: Would a growing maple tree a running dog a person driving a car or a burning forest most decrease the amount of carbon dioxide in the air?
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Why do carbon dioxide levels decrease when it's cold outside?

No, carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere increaseduring autumn and winter. When spring begins in the northern hemisphere (where most of the world's vegetation is) all the growing plants and trees start taking carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere. They continue during their growing spell during spring and summer. As the weather gets colder they stop growing. Then the carbon dioxide builds up in the atmosphere.

Is animal waste a source of biomass?

Yes, it is. Burning it releases carbon dioxide, but it is CO2 that has recently been taken from the atmosphere (into the animal feed as it was growing), so burning animal waste is carbon neutral.

When you burn vegetation how does it affect carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere?

Burning vegetation adds to the carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere. However, that carbon dioxide was recently removed from the air when the plants were growing, so burning vegetation is carbon neutral.Burning fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas), of course, releases extra carbon dioxide that has been hidden away for 300 million years.

Does planting trees decrease greenhouse gases in the atmosphere?

Yes. Growing trees and vegetation is the only serious way to remove the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

What will decrease the amount of carbon dioxide in the air?

Growing plants Chemical geological processes (happening in the Oceans). Organisms that make calcite shells (that then become buried by geological processes).

Why does burning of ethanol produced by sugar cane not exacerbate the problem of greenhouse effect?

Ethanol from sugar cane is a biofuel. Burning biomass or biofuel does not contribute to global warming. When the sugar cane was growing it removed carbon dioxide from the air. When the ethanol is burnt, that same carbon dioxide is returned to the air. This is part of the natural carbon cycle.Biomass (burning of plant material) does add carbon dioxide (CO2) to the atmosphere, but it is CO2 that was recently taken out of the atmosphere (when the plants were growing) so this is not extra CO2. Burning biomass then is part of the natural carbon cycle which moves CO2 in and out of the atmosphere.The carbon dioxide that comes from burning fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) was taken out of the atmosphere millions of years ago, so releasing it now is adding extra CO2 (and causing global warming).This is why biomass is renewable energy and better than fossil fuels.

What is the major source of weight gain in a growing plant?

carbon dioxide

What Plants absorb the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide during the process of growing?

All trees, leaves and growing vegetation absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

Are there hazards to burning wood with fungus growing on it?


How does growing more crops affect level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere?

Carbon dioxide is decreased.

What is the gas called from bubbling growing yeast?

carbon dioxide

Why does the carbon dioxide released by burning biomass not result in global warming?

Biomass (burning of plant material) does release carbon dioxide (CO2) into the atmosphere, but it is CO2 that was recently taken out of the atmosphere (when the plants were growing) so it doesn't add extra CO2 or cause global warming. Burning biomass then is part of the natural carbon cycle which moves CO2 in and out of the atmosphere.The carbon dioxide that comes from burning fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) was taken out of the atmosphere millions of years ago, so releasing it now is adding extra CO2 (and causing global warming).This is why biomass is renewable energy and much better than fossil fuels.