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A transvaginal ultrasound would not see a lost tampon. Tampons can't get lost in the pelvis. A speculum exam would tell you whether there was a tampon in your vagina.

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Q: Would a transvaginal ultrasound see a lost tampon?
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Can you lose a tampax in you?

Going swimming won't cause the tampon to get lost in your body. The vagina is a dead end, and the tampon has nowhere to go.

What if the doctor did not find the lost tampon inside of you?

If the emergency room doctor did an effective speculum exam, then the doctor w2ould not be able to miss a tampon in your vagina. There is nowhere else a tampon can go; the vagina is a dead end. But removal of a lost tampon is not a reason for an emergency room visit. Next time, see your regular health care provider or your local family planning agency. They are better able to provide this kind of care. Routine GYN care is not what emergency rooms are for, and not their specialty.

How do you bleed fake on first night?

Tell him that you lost your virginity when over-enthusiastically inserting a tampon.

How can you tell if you lost a tampon inside you?

Most of the time, women who think they've lost a tampon have not. If you aren't sure, squat down and put one finger in your vagina as you bear down. You'll feel the cervix, with a texture like your nose, at the end of your vagina. Feel around the outside of the cervix (like drawing a circle with your finger around your nose). Do you feel a tampon? if not, there's probably not one there. If you're still not convinced, see your health care provider or your local family planning agency. They can reassure you in a matter of minutes.

You thought you lost a tampon you work in a Dr office so you looked yourself w a speculum and did not see anything are you ok?

You must be a very flexible woman. If you feel like you can do a good speculum exam and can't see the tampon, you're ok. You can also check with your fingers. If you don't feel the tampon in the cul de sac, it's not there.

You just found a tampon that was lost for five days Well four days agoy u fainted in the dr office after a bad reaction to a shot Was it really the tampon not theshothave concussion dizzy u fell?

A tampon left in for four days won't cause fainting. Many people have a vasovagal reaction to shots. That's the most likely explanation for your fainting.

Lost a tampon which now out but think may have an infection?

Go see a doctor! SOONEST! Tampons in too long can cause TSS, which can be VERY BAD.

How do you take out tampons?

Just pull the string until it slides out. Each type of tampon comes with instructions that are important to read. The tampons have strings that are attached, and once the tampon is inserted properly, the strings stay where they can be reached with your fingers and used to gently pull out the used tampon. Read the instructions on the type you are using to be sure you are following all important instructions. If the strings are not where you can reach them, the tampon may have turned sideways which can happen with strenuous exercise, or may have lost the attachment to the string. In those situations, you may have to see a gynecological doctor to have it removed safely.

Can your tampon get lost in your vagina?

No, you cannot lose your tampon inside your vagina.Your vagina is only a few inches long, and a tampon can go no further than your vaginal canal because the cervix stops it from going any further than that. If you have a tampon in your vagina then it's not going to get lost, you know exactly where it is and can remove it. Someone forgetting a tampon does not mean it is possible to lose a tampon in the vagina.

You lost tampon for 48 hours what will happen?

If you are feeling well, there is no need for concern. If you feel sick, tired, or have an unusual vaginal discharge, see your health care provider.

Can you get pregnant if you have a lost tampon?

To be pregnant you need to have the sperm of a man in you. If you have lost a tampon inside of your vagina, you should get in a warm bath and, while in there, gently stick your fingers into your vagina and pull out the tampon to avoid Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS) To answer your question, no.

If i used my last tampond but i don't remember removing it can the string get lost?

The string can curl back into the vagina, but that doesn't matter as the string isn't needed - the string makes removal easier, but you can always remove the tampon with your fingers instead. If you can't remember removing the tampon then search the vagina to make sure it's still not in there.