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no, because it does not react with aromatic aldehydes

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Yesbecayse of the molecules

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Q: Does water react to the Benedict test?
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What happen when the distilled water is test by Benedict's solution?

Just plain old distilled water? You'll get dilute Benedict's. Benedict's looks for sugar, and if there isn't any it won't react.

What type of is saccharide has no change when tested with benidicts solution?

Starch doesn't react in the Benedict test.

Why is the Benedict's test is positive when water starch and HCl keep for 30mins?

benedicts test is positive when water starch and HCL keep for 30 mins because glycosidic linkages between amylose and amylopectin breaks and free ends are available to react with Benedict reagent

What is the role of water in the Benedict reagent?

It acts as a control for the experiment so that you can compare the result (of benedict's test in water) with the other test (using food with sugar)

Will mannose produce a positive Benedict's test?

Mannose is a monosaccharide (an aldose) with the chemical formula C6H12O6.Being a a monosaccharide mannose react with the Benedict reagent.

What test is used to test for sugars in a food?

Benedict's test using Benedict's Solution.

Why do you use a water bath to heat the mixture in Benedict's test for glucose and millon's test for protein?

because the protein

Why does colour change after 5 minutes of heating during Benedict's test?

Heating is necessary to transform sugars in enediols which react with Cu(2+).

What color does saliva turn into with the Benedict's solution?

Benedict's solution changes colors (blue to green to yellow to orange to red) in the presence of "reducing" sugars, which are not normally present in saliva. An interesting experiment, however, is testing table sugar with Benedict's solution. Table sugar is a glucose sugar joined to a fructose sugar, so they cannot react with the Benedict's solution and no color change occurs. Put table sugar in your mouth for a few moments, and then test the saliva. Now the Benedict's solution will react! (The reason: saliva has an enzyme, amylase, which breaks the glucose and fructose apart so that they can react to the Benedict's.)

Why doesn't aspartame react in Benedict's soluion?

It's not a reducing sugar. In fact, it's not a sugar at all. Benedict's solution gives a positive test, brick-red precipitate, with reducing sugars such as glucose and fructose.

Why is heat applied in Benedict's test and not alcohol emulsion test?

They're two totally different tests. The alcohol emulsion test is for fat, and it works because water and oil don't mix. The reaction in the Benedict's test requires heat to work.

Which of the disaccharide will not react with benedict's solution?

Sucrose will not react with Benedict's solution. This is because sucrose is a non-reducing sugar, meaning it does not have a free aldehyde or ketone group that can be oxidized by Benedict's reagent.