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It depends on the type of tumor. It is used for some types, like some tumors in the breast or bone.

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Q: Would methotrexate be effective in curing tumours?
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Can you drink grapefruit juice whilst on methotrexate?

Dumb A. If I knew the answer, why would I ask?

Would you get an award for curing a disease?

It depends on what disease you cure. curing diseases is duty of an honest physician .

Does the use of methotrexate increase the risks of swine flu?

This would be best discussed with his doctor I am an adult on the same stuff and from what I understand there is an increased risk if infection. At one stage I ended up not being able to get rid of a lung infection while on Methotrexate and antibiotics until i dropped the methotrexate for the course of antibiotics plus one more week. If you are on methotrexate make a point of mentioning it to your Doctor if you are going to have any live inoculations against illnesses because the methotrexate will reduce the effectiveness of the injections or possibly make them useless altogether.

What is the longevity of a pet mouse with a tumor?

I have had 2 that have had mammary tumours. I thought long and hard about surgery, but all info I gathered, seemed to suggest that a secondary tumour would grow back fairly quickly. That on top of the trauma of surgery seemed too much. So each time I left alone (the tumours were a bit big by the time I discovered them anyway). Both mice continued happily, but watch out that the tumour doesn't ulcerate - get sore from rubbing on the floor. In that case I would get mouse euthanized. Both my mice died in approx2-3 months from first spotting the tumours - they got larger and larger, but the mice kept eating and drinking right to the end, the tumours just got 'in the way'. Tumours are quite common with mice unfortunately (apparently).

What will methotrexate do to you if you have been wrongly diagnosed?

If you are taking it methotrexate for rheumatoid arthritis, you are doing it to reduce the destructive effects that your own immune system is having on cartilage in your joints and other connective tissue. Methotrexate need to be taken along with folic acid as it takes folic acid out of the system. People that use methotrexate need to be checked regularly with blood test to see if there is any toxin build up in the kidneys. However if you have been incorrectly diagnosed it hardly matters as the side effects ( and there are heaps of them) would be the same either way.

Would you be able to carry a normal healthy baby full term after receiving a single dose of methotrexate by injection for an ectopic?

Yes, it is possible. Methotrexate only stays in the system for about a week. It depends more on how much damage may have been caused by the ectopic pregnancy itself.

How would make premising effective?

How would make premising effective?"

Why and how would you extend the curing process of the concrete?

Placing plastic sheeting (known as visquene in construction trades) over drying concrete extends the curing process of concrete. The idea is to slow the evaporation of moisture from the drying concrete. The slower concrete curing process, the stronger the concrete becomes. On construction jobs I have been party to, the curing concrete is usually covered for two or three days.If the curing concrete's surface were to get dry, there may not be enough water for the chemical reaction which forms concrete, and so the surface would not be as strong. Wetting isn't about "extending" but rather allowing the curing to make a hard surface. The full curing takes as long as a month to reach full strength, but most of the reaction happens in three days.If you actually want it slower, then cooling would work, as with any chemical reaction. Also disrupting the water-cement reaction would work, which would unfortunately make the concrete weaker. For example, adding sugar or anything that ties up the water would slow the reaction but harm the strength of the result.

How do you remove a rear window that is held in with fast curing adhesive?

You would have to cut it out with a blade or cable.

Can you give me a sentence for the word effective?

I would help you, if I thought that my efforts would be effective.

Why is angiogenesis important in the development of tumours?

Angiogenesis is the creation of blood vessels, and is a natural process - without it, a foetus would be unable to create a vascular system, but in the case of tumours, the initiation of angiogensis within the tumour means that the cancer can use the blood vessels created to metastisise to other organs within the body, which generally carries with it a poor prognosis.

What kind of medicine would a donkey take for it to be effective?

A donkey would have to take an ASSpirin for it to be effective.