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The theme of a story is the underlying message or moral that the author wants to convey to the reader. It is not necessarily the main idea of the story, but rather a recurring or prominent idea that shapes the overall narrative.

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11y ago


The main idea would be more of the plot structure where theme is the meaning, lesson or moral that the story is trying to convey.

The main idea of The Lottery is the town has a tradition of getting together once a year and stoning to death a random member.

The theme of The Lottery is human beings have a tendency to retain traditions solely for the sake of conservatism.

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What is the main idea of a story?

The Main Idea is the Theme helps you with the important events and what the story is about.

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it is the main idea of a story APEX =)

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The meaning of theme in a story is a main idea that is consistent throughout the story.

What is the main difference between main idea and theme?

The Theme is like what the story would be about or its catagory. ex: Mystery. romance ECT.) Main idea is sort of like moral. Yet, the main i dea is what the aurthor wanted you to know or what his purpose was for writting the story.

What is the main idea in a story known as?

Is known as the theme.

What deos theme mean?

A theme is the central idea or message that a piece of literature, artwork, or other creative work conveys. It is the underlying concept or concept that ties together the various elements of the work and provides insight into the overall meaning or purpose.

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nonficton is a main idea and theme is ficton

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the main idea of the story

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Readers can discover the theme of a text by analyzing recurring ideas, symbols, and motifs. They should pay attention to character development, conflicts, and key events as they can offer insights into the underlying message or lesson of the story. Additionally, examining the author's tone and overall message can help readers identify the central theme.

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the main idea of a story is like jus tell a short port of a story