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Q: You are 12 weeks pregnant and your breasts have stopped being sore should you worry?
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Can your stomach being hard and breasts being swollen mean you are pregnant?


Is it possible to have Swollen breasts just 18 days into cycle?

you should not have swollen breasts when you get your period, if they feel like they are getting bigger, this is a sign of being pregnant. Your nipples will also get darker in color and your breasts will be tender to the touch.

If you have breast pain and your breast is tendernessare you pragnant?

Being pregnant can make your breasts tender, but it could be something else. Maybe you should take a pregnancy test or see a doctor.

Can you secrete juice from nipples without getting pregnant?

Yes. Too much hormone production can cause lactating of the breasts without being pregnant.

What is the very first sings of being pregnant?

Missed period Tender nipples / breasts sometimes nausea and/or vomiting

What are every symptoms of being pregnant?

missed period, nipples are dark, breasts grow, feeling sick/nausea

Can just being PARANOID about being pregnant cause pregnancy symptoms like stomach cramping and even tender breasts?

Yes. The mind is a very powerful thing. It can trick you into having symptoms and thinking you are pregnant.

Is a symptom of being pregnant is tender nipples?

Yes.Tender breasts and nipples is one of the first signs of pregnancy many women notice after they conceive.

Whats wrong if you have stopped your periods?

could be diet, stress, other medical reasons, being pregnant, go c ur doc,

Are tigers being killed?

ye they are being by hunters who are after their skin and it should be stopped

How do you being pregnant?

You should contact your doctor if you are showing signs of being pregnant. (nausea, headaches, backpain, late menstrual cycle, etc) Your doctor will direct you from there.

How early can a girl start lactating without being pregnant?

I am 18 years old and in a very active sexual relationship with my boyfriend. I want to know if I can lactate milk from my breasts as a sexual practice between him and myself.