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the baby is gana be small

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Q: You are 4 weeks pregnant and the Dr did an ultrasound and couldn't see the baby am i okay why can't they see the baby yet I don't have no pains or bleeding am i okay?
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How do you know if the baby is dead at 9 weeks without bleeding but have sharp pains in your stomach?

You go to your doctor and get an ultrasound.

My HCG is 903 I am 6 weeks pregnant After reveiwing my ultesound the sak was very small I am also having ovalating like pains Am I having a misscarrage?

if the ultrasound confirmed the baby was in the uterus and not in the fallopian tube then relax. the first sign of miscarriage is bleeding so everything is okay if you aren't bleeding joymaker rn

Im pregnant but having ovulation pains should i be worried?

No, this is normal. It is pains from your uterus stretching. If you notice any bleeding though, go and see your doctor or midwife

5 months pregnant you are have Sharp pains but you are not bleeding are you having a miscarriage?

Only your doctor can answer that question.You should call your provider immediately.

How soon will you feel sharp pains if you're pregnant?

No, any cramps or bleeding while pregnant is abnormal and usually the sign of a miscarriage. If this occurs during a pregnancy go to the hospital straight away.

Im ten weeks pregnant And have some brown bleeding and lowr stomach pains on right hand side why?

Brown bleeding is not always normal. Accompanied with pain, you should see your doctor immediately.

Im 8 weeks pregnant and am having yellow discharge and stomach pains?

You Should go to your doctor to get a check up, but its nothing urgent. yellow discharge could just mean an infection. stomach pains in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy is also very common. just go get a check up :)

Are the pains from an ectopic pregnancy sudden or do they take time?

I had an eptopic pregnancy last year! I did not know that I was pregnant because the results came back negative. I started what I thought was my period and it lasted about 7 days and then the pains started in. That is when I found out it was an eptopic pregnancy from an ultrasound.

Did you have a miscarriage if you had severe pains for several hours and when you went to the bathroom a big clot came out and then the pain stopped?

It is quite possible you had a miscarriage. Did you know you were pregnant? Have you had an ultrasound scan before or since?

Hi am first month pregnant but having severe pain on both sides of your lower abdomenmy doctor advised you for ultrasoundis it safe to go for ultrasound in the initial stage of pregnancy?

Yes, it is very safe to have a ultrasound. Your known how your pregnancy is progressing via the ultrasound and you can also see your little one. Good luck but go for this ultrasound asap because pains need to be investigated.

I am pregnant but im bleeding no pains am i having a miscarriage?

Any problems like this should be addressed by a medical Professional as they would be in the best position to make an accurate diagnosis.

Are you pregnant if you feel lower back pains and hips then sore breast but had a light bleeding for almost 1week?

You could be. Some still have light periods while pregnant. Testing is the only way to know for sure though!