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A common cause of neck pain is muscle strain or tension. Usually, everyday activities are to blame. Whether you're reading, working, or watching TV, change positions often. Take breaks from your desk or your chair and move around.

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yes contact a doctor

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Q: Tingling on your scalp and pain in neck?
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Radiculopathy, or nerve compression, usually presents with numbness, tingling, and even pain. Patients with radiculopathy of the cervical spine (neck) usually present with neck and shoulder pain, and/or numbness/tingling that can go down the arm.

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A secretary who experiences pain swelling and tingling sensations in her hands and arms may suffer what?

possibly a pinched nerve in her neck or upper back.

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Some of the other symptoms that can affect someone that has a herniated disk in the neck can include a mild tingling feeling or burning pain in the neck area. A lot of these pains can be felt after sleeping and first getting up in the morning as well as through the day.

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Where can you buy a neck pillow?

Possibly Wal-mart, but I would check any store related to travel. They usually sell neck pillows because there are many people who travel by airplane and either have neck problems or just want a comfortable pillow. Another great place to buy neck pillows is at the Neck Pain Relief Shop. They have fiber neck pillows, contoured neck pillows, water neck pillows, traction neck pillows, and foam neck pillows. Especially if you suffer from neck pain, stiff neck, numbness and tingling or aches in the neck- consider a specialty cervical pillow. Wal-mart is good too, but you will only get the flat neck pillow, which is not always the best choice if you have neck pain.

Where do carcinomas most often appear?

Neck , face, and scalp

You are a pain in the neck?

I would sooner be a pain in the neck, rather than be a pain in the butt like you.

What are the causes of tension headaches?

Tension headaches are caused by tightening in the muscles of the face, neck and scalp because of stress or poor posture. They can last for days or weeks and can cause pain of varying intensity.