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Q: You feel pregnant but your period isn't due for 7 days i have had blood nose and nausea and headaches with tiredness could you be pregnant?
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Already had my period and im experiencing gagging tiredness cramps that are sharp headaches mood swings what does that mean?

You could be pregnant. Take a test if you miss your period

You feel pregnant but you have gotten your period every month like you should How can you know without a test?

There is not for sure way to tell that you are pregnant without a test, especially if you suspect that you are pregnant. Look for symptoms such as swollen/tender breasts, nausea, missed period, and fatigue/tiredness.

What are the symptoms of being pregnant before your missed period?

-Implantation Bleeding (Spotting) -Delay or a Difference in Menstruation -Swollen and/or Tender Breasts -Fatigue/Tiredness -Nausea/Morning Sickness -Backaches -Headaches -Frequent Urination -Darkening of Areolas -Food Cravings These are the most common symptoms of pregnancy.

Can headaches dizziness and nausea mean that I'm pregnant?

Yes, they are all pregnancy symptoms. However, they are all also symptoms that your period is going to arrive soon. If you don't get your period and there's a chance you could be pregnant, you should take a pregnancy test

Could you be pregnant and still get a heavier and longer period than normal with little blood clots in it im getting headaches dizziness tirdness and nausea?

These could be signs of pregnancy or miscarriage.

If you have what seems to be a light period and it started 5 days earlier than expected AND you are having pregnancy symptoms ie nausea tiredness and frequent potty breaks why or is this possible?

You could be pregnant if you've had unprotected sex

How do you know your pregnant without takinng the test?

Your period is over a week late and no spotting occurs. You have swollen or breast tenderness. Fatigue/Tiredness. Nausea/Morning sickness (usually occurs after a month of conception). Darkening of areolas (the area around your nipple), Backaches. Headaches. Frequent urination. Cravings. (Can happen any time!!) Noticeable hormonal mood swings.

What are signs that your going in have your period?

a few common signs of PMS when you are about to get your period are cramping, irritability, headaches, tenderness of the breasts, stomachaches, and tiredness.

Can you please tell me about pregnancy symptoms?

Some signs and symptoms to look for if you believe you might be pregnant include * missed period, * nausea with or without vomiting, * tiredness, * dizziness, * breast changes and breast tenderness, and * frequent urination.

How can you tell whether you have your period or when your pregnant?

Mostly signs of a period and pregnancy are similar but there are more signs to pregnancy. If you have your periods you'd experience: cramps, headaches, sometimes nausea and/or diarrhea, headaches, mood swings and when you are pregnant you'd experience: dizziness for some women, exhaustion, your abdomen feels hard like a ball as if blotted, and a need to pee more often than normal.

Systems of being pregnant?

do u mean symptoms? and if u do, most of the symptoms relating to pregnancy r: implantation bleeding, delay/difference with your period, swollen/tender breasts, fatigue/tiredness, nausea/morning sickness, backches, headaches, frequent urination, darkening of your areolas otherwise known as the skin around your nipples, food cravings, and weight gain. hope that helps

What are some signs that you have your period?

Discharge in the panties, cramping, headaches, nausea/vomiting, diarrhea, bloating, etc.