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no, only if it is a week late and you have had it for more than three yrs

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Q: You got your period a few days late should you still take a pregnancy test?
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Can i do Pregnancy test ten days after of your expected period?

Yes, if you missed your period, you should definitely be able to get a result from a pregnancy test ten days after.

How early can't you take a pregnancy test?

To get better results you should wait for your missed period. Some people even if they missed their period they do a test and it still becomes negative. It's best to wait a few days later after your missed period and then do the home pregnancy test. If it comes out negative and you still missing your period you should go to your doctor to get the best answer.

If a pregnancy test was negative 2 days before expected period can you still be pregnant?

Who's pregnancy test? Yours?

Will a pregnancy test show if up accurate four days after period?

It should

if you get your implantation bleeding on your period day how long you should wait to test your pregnancy?

3 days after your period

Is it possible to have a period for 2 days and still be pregnant?

yes, you can actually have a normal period every month during your pregnancy

Can you have a period in the first month and still be pregnant but the period is two days late?

You can have a period throughout your whole pregnancy. So to answer your question, yes.

You had a positive pregnancy test a couple days later had a heavy period?

If you had a positive pregnancy test then had a heavy period a couple days later, you may have had a miscarriage. If this happens, you should consult a doctor.

When pregnancy test should be taken?

A pregnancy test should be taken after your first missed period, however there are a few tests which you can take at least 6 days before your missed period.

If you can still have periods while being pregnant when should you take a home pregnancy test?

Though rare to experience a period while pregnant, you should still be able to get an accurate answer about six weeks from your previous period. My experience is, I took a generic pregnancy test and got a false negative. so I suggest Answer or first response.

Still positive pregnancy test 10 days after miscarriage?

Yes, it can take days-weeks for the HCG numbers to return to zero. You should consult your doctor if your period has not returned after two cycles.

Thirty two days and no period should you test for pregnancy?

Yes, take a test