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perhaps you still care for this boy in the past and you need to rething your releationship with your boyfriend.

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Q: You had a dream that your boyfriend died and a boy you have liked in the past asked you outwhat does this mean?
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Likeing a girl who has a boy friend?

Ask them out. You never know if they like you more. Once I had a boyfriend, but I really liked this other guy. Finally he asked me out, knowing I had a boyfriend, and I dumped my boyfriend and went with the guy whom had just asked me out.

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Not a very good answer. Looks like he's in it for the wrong reasons.

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It is a safe bet that you would have liked your mother to have met your new boyfriend.

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when you break up, another boy might have liked you before, and he saw that you broke up,so he asked you out and yousaid yes.

What does it mean when you dream that your ex boyfriend records you sleeping at night?

It means that you're scared that he is still attached to you OR you may wish he liked you as much still

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I think you should say im not aloud to go out but still can we be boyfriend and girlfriend

Asked today if you ever thought of your friend as more than a friend and she has a boyfriend and youre just recently single WHY would she ask you that if she has a bf?

are she and her boyfriend having troubles? maybe she's liked you before she got the boyfriend, and feelings are still there. ask her. if she's interested in you, she will tell you.

A guy I used to like asked me if I liked him and I said no Now I like him again and he seems interested What do I say?

if he is interested go for it you guys should be boyfriend and girlfriend i hope it works out

What is the meaning of my mother's dream wherein she dreamed that my ex-boyfriend and I are still together?

Maybe she really liked seeing you two together, you should talk to her about how she feels about you and your ex breaking up.

How you know your new boyfriend like you?

Why would he be your boyfriend if he never liked you in the first place!

What does it mean if you ask someone if they really like you and they reply 'why'?

I know that my first actual boyfriend was in the 8th grade and i had asked him if he liked me liked me or just as a friend, he asked why too!! and a few days later he broke-up with me to be with someone else! The point is don't get to close or attached because it might blow up in your face!! just becareful and take it slow!

What do you do if your friend's boyfriend liked you the whole time?

You date them.