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Your friend most likely has shingles. It is caused by the varicella (or herpes) zoster virus. Initially, it causes chickenpox. Later in life, it may reactivate and cause shingles, which presents as a rash along a single dermatome, frequently preceded by burning or lancinating pain.

The particular cocktail of medications you have asked about are fairly typical for a shingles outbreak. Acyclovir is an antiviral drug which may decrease the time of outbreak if taken before the rash occurs. Tegretol is an anti seizure medication used in this particular instance to help control the neuropathic pain associated with shingles. Prednisone can be taken to help decrease the inflammation and pain associated with shingles, although this is not a medication I have used frequently for shingles, as it may cause other side-effects and worsen Diabetes.

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Q: You have a friend that is sick and he went to the doctor and the doctor give him Tegretol Acyclovir and Prednisone what are these medications for?
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Except for those who have ulcers or who take medications that could increase the risk of stomach or intestinal bleeding, WebMD does not advise against drinking alcohol while taking prednisone, but the Mayo Clinic advises consulting a doctor first.

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You should ONLY take medicines under the direction of a qualified medical practitioner (a doctor). Doctors are trained to ensure that the medicines they prescribe are effective, will not interfere with one another and how to deal with adverse reactions. Self medication is not only dangerous to you, it also allows germs to become immune to the medications you are taking, making these medications ineffective. Go and see a doctor.

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Acyclovir 400mg, an antiviral. contact a pharmacist or your doctor.

How do you cure shingles in the inner thighs?

There is no cure for Shingles. You need to see your doctor to get Acyclovir or some other anti viral. Pain pills and Prednisone are available to treat pain. Some home remedys for the pain and itching include Hydrocortizone, cool wet rags, or a garlic clove cut and rubbed over the site.

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