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Chest pain after a heart attack or during a heart attck is caused by constriction of the blood vessels. Your heart needs blood to survive and when the vessels constrict, it limits bloodflow to your heart. This causes intense pain--that is why you are given nitroglycerin tablets. Nitro opens the vessels.

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Q: You just want to no what causes chest pain after a heart attack?
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Related questions

Is angina pectoris another name for heart attack?

No, it's another name for "chest pain". Chest pain is associated with having a heart-attack, but can also just occur by itself (without a heart-attack).

What to do after Sex or grinding which causes chest pain nausea?

Probably check with a emergency room as these are symptoms of a heart attack. just ignore it and keep going

Can you get a heart attack if you get hit in the chest and you have asthma?

no probably just get winded

If somebody has chest pain does it mean they are having a heart attack?

Sorry I cannot answer your question, but if you are worried about a heart attack your probably wrong. Most likely people who think they have heart attacks are just anxious enough to convince themselves that they are sick. Just in case you are worried about your health.

Is there a list of heart attack signs I can review?

Yes, there are several common heart attack signs and symptoms to look for. Chest, stomach, and upper body pain, shortness of breath, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, and sweating are just a few.

What are some heat attack symptoms for women?

Chest pain is the most common heart attack symptom, but some women may experience it differently than men. It may feel like a squeezing or fullness , and the pain can be anywhere in the chest, not just on the left side

What does fast heart beat and shortness of breath mean?

It can be from anxiety, over exertion, heart disease, and high blood pressure, among other causes. If you are having any chest pain, pain down the left arm, or a tightness or squeezing sensation in your chest, or nausea, call you doctor immediately. This could be signs of a heart attack. If you are not having any other symptoms, but the shortness of breath and rapid heart beat persists, you should call your doctor just to be on the safe side. It's always better to err on the side of caution.

Learning the Signs of a Heart Attack?

A heart attack can happen in any place at any time, and a heart attack will not wait until you are close to a hospital. For those with a high risk for heart attacks and heart problems, it is a smart idea to learn the signs of a heart attack in order to take the correct measures right when the heart attack occurs. Here are the top signs of a heart attack.Sudden Chest PainAs seen in the movies or in television shows, some heart attacks come with sudden, crippling chest pain. This form of a heart attack is the hardest to prepare for because it is so unexpected; however, it is the most obvious sign of a heart attack so there is no question as to what has just happened.Building Pain in the ChestMost people think that sharp pain is the only symptom of a heart attack; however, this is not always the case. Slow, escalating pain is also another sign of a heart attack. This discomfort can feel like a pressure or a bursting feeling. It can be constant, or it can come in short bursts before leaving and then coming back.Difficulty Catching BreathShortness of breath and gasping for air is a sign of a heart attack. This symptom may or may not be accompanied by pain or aching in the chest region.Pain in Other Regions of the Upper BodyPain associated with a heart attack is not localized solely in the chest. Many people who have experienced heart attack symptoms have complained of soreness in the arms, stomach, jaw and even the back.NauseaThis sign of a heart attack appears more commonly in women than in men.Breaking Out in a SweatThis symptom occurs more frequently in women as well and is one of the signs of a heart attack that is commonly ignored.

Did umaga really die or did he just have a heart attack?

it is true that he had a heart attack but he did die from it

How long does heart surgery last?

It can last for a little bit but it also depend's on what you do, The best way to stay away from a heart attack is to eat very healthy.EAT YOUR VEGGIES. OR I WILL FIND YOU!

What is angina pecoris?

Angina pectoris, commonly referred to as just "angina", is chest pain caused by ischemia, or shortage of oxygenated blood supply, to the heart muscle. Unlike a heart attack, angina does not result in permanent damage to the heart muscle.

Heart Attack Symptoms In Men?

Thousands of men die every year of a heart attack. Heart disease kills more men each year than other illnesses or other causes of death. One aspect of heart attacks that makes them so deadly to men is that some heart attack symptoms can be mild. Sometimes symptoms may not present at all. It is important for men to know what symptoms to look for that indicate a heart attack so that they can seek medical attention immediately. The symptom of heart attack that most people are aware of is sudden chest pain or pressure. Having one or both of these symptoms is typically what makes men suspect they are having a heart attack and seek medical attention. Chest pain is a common symptom but it is not always present. Some men may experience neck pain rather than chest pain and mistake it for muscle strain, or they may have an intense headache or pain in their jaw. Chest pain and pressure that precede a heart attack are usually much milder than people expect it to be; pain that indicates a heart attack is not always debilitating. If a person experiences sudden chest pain or pressure sets in, he should seek medical attention immediately, particularly if he is at risk for a heart attack. Pain that feels similar to indigestion is also a common heart attack symptom. Nausea, vomiting and discomfort in the chest and stomach can often lead men to think they are experiencing indigestion. When these symptoms present with arm or chest pain, it can be indicative of a heart attack. Shortness of breath and increased heart rate are symptoms of heart attack that are often mistaken for something else. For example, heart rate often increases during exercise or other strenuous physical activity, and people can feel shortness of breath during such activities. Heart attacks can occur while undergoing such activities, possibly leading men to believe they are only effects of the physical exertion. Shortness of breath and increased heart rate are also symptomatic of anxiety, which is itself a symptom of a heart attack. Anxiety accompanied by sweating or other abdominal symptoms may be the result of a heart attack. Nearly one-fourth of heart attacks are not diagnosed until after the attack has taken place, because they present with no symptoms or are mistaken for something other than a heart attack. Men frequently do not seek medical attention in the presence of many heart attack symptoms because they feel that they can get through the pain on their own without medical help. However, medical attention is vital during a heart attack, and seeking help can mean the difference between life and death.