

Best Answer

Do nothing.
No more contact with that "good" friend, either.

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Q: You left your abusive ex in feb of this year And now you think one of your good friends is sleeping with him what do you do?
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(Apex) Be a good role model for your friends.

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doing tricks,making good friends with humans,eating,pooping,sleeping

How do you go to a party while your parents think your somewhere else?

If they think you are at a friends house then your good but I wouldn't recommend staying home. Its too risky. So say you are going to a friends house and sleeping over. I think that would work. It has in the past for me . Just make sure that your parents don't contact that friend.

What do guys think of women who are verbally abusive and swear all the time?

That's they aren't good for a relationship and certainly not good for a child

Can a man be a friend of a woman apart from mate?

Absolutely ! I have a good many female friends - none of which are sleeping with me !

Is abusive relationship is good or bad?

Abusive relationship is not good. It affects nearly all aspects of life.

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I think it is. It is the name of my 3 of my friends. Therfore, I think Lilly is a good name.

How do you leave your abusive husband if he is always home because he is too lazy to get a job?

If you are able to leave the house even to grocery shop, then one night pack a few things and hide them outside. Have a good plan! If he is physically abusive to you find out where your local Women's Center is and they will help you and keep you safe. When he is sleeping (don't even both to get dressed, but put a jacket on you and dress later in the car) through your bags in the car (take a taxi to a friends) and get out of that house! Once you leave there is no going back! Good luck Marcy

What do you do if your friends think the boy you like is ugly?

Does it really matter what your friends think? If you like him and you think he is good looking then that's all that matters! :) ~Lexx

Is staying in abusive relationship a good idea?

You should definitely go. An abusive relationship is unhealthy for you both physically and emotionally. If you continue to stay with that abusive person, you will more than likely end up being attracted to more abusive people in the future. In fact some abusive relationships can lead to suicide and/or being murdered.

Who is US good friends with?

USA is good friends with England, Canada,Italy, and Brazil. We are not good friends with Iraq, Iran, i think Mexico i don't know about Mexico

Which one is in correct word order 1. David you and I are good friends 2. You David and I are good friends 3. I David and you are good friends?

i think its #2 but it could be #1 .IT IS DEFINITELY NOT #3 THOUGH