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Not always! Quantity and thickness of pubic hair varies between individuals and between ethnic groups...

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Q: You recently read men have more pubic hair than women Is this true?
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Do women like it when men shave their pubic hair?

Yes, men like women with pubic hair. All adult women have pubic hair, thus a man who is attracted to adult women (rather than children) likes to see an adult womans body. Some men may have a preference to their partners removing their pubic hair, but all men should expect and respect that adult women have pubic hair.

Is all hair below the waist called pubic hair?

Hair that surrounds the "pubic" region, specifically that around the external genitalia, is referred to as pubic hair or "Pubes". Hair that appears elsewhere on the body is not considered "pubic" hair even though it may become more pronounced or heavier during puberty when pubic hair grows most rapidly.

Do you shampoo pubic hair?

I think occasionally you have toWASH not shampooonce or twice a week.Wash it with those female vaginal soaps like fem-fresh but not always because pubic hair is not like the hair on our heads .Pubic hair is much more sensitive and will die if you wash it too much.

Do thirteen year old girls have more pubic hair than fourteen year old girls?

Generally not. It depends on when the parents first got pubic hair.

Do girls pubic hair grow faster after shaving than boys?

female pubic hair grows more, because it is damp down there and is an ideal environment for growth

Who has more pubic hair - girls or boys?

Ofcourse boys.

You are 14 and have very few pubic hair should you have more?

Pubic hair, once it starts appearing, grows gradually more coarse, darker and more abundant as puberty progresses. It is normal for a young man to have fewer pubic hairs than he might wish. Not to worry though, what begins as a sparse gathering of fine, wispy hair, will eventually grow into a dense patch of curly hair that will overspread the pubic region, and may eventually spread up the lower abdomen, and down around the legs, perineum, anus and buttocks.

I am 15 you have some pubic hair but not a lot and my voice has got slightly deeper am i going through puberty and when will i get more pubic hair?

you certainly are going through puberty, just a little more patience (which is difficult) all will be well in a few more months!!

What are signs that puberty will start soon for girls?

Pubic hair on your vagina, growth in boobs, hair in armpits and more on legs

Is shaving of pubic hair cause bacterial vaginosis?

I am happy to answer this question as a specialist. Pubic hair is there to protect the vagina for being infected and to keep the sweat away from it, pubic hair can absorb sweat but if you shave it, you are more likely to be infected and to get sick so easily, that can also cause you to get so many rashes. The fact that you shave don't simply mean you are clean or you are not nasty if you don't clean it, you can have lots of pubic hair and be clean at the same time as long as you wash it and clean your vagina often. Pubic hair protects the vagina from dusts, rashes, sweats, It's way better and better not to shave, believe it or not. Let's go back to the old days, Caribbean and most European women don't shave at all, according to a medical survey, Women who shave in AMERICA have more vaginal infections during the last 20 years than the women in the Caribbean and in Europe. BELIEVE IT OR NOT.The society in America wants you to shave because they want to make more money over you and they don't care about your own health. ANDERS!

To what age does puberty go?

mostly 20. The pubic hair grows and voice changes more

What changes the body during puberty?

Well, if your a girl, you get your period, and your breasts and butt most likely will get bigger and your voice MIGHT change a little bit, you'll get pubic hair and armpit hair. If your a boy, your voice will mature a lot more and you wont have that "baby" voice anymore, you will also get pubic hair, and more facial hair, and your armpit hair will grow too.