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yes it only takes 30 days or less. yes it only takes 30 days or less.

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14y ago

Did you take a bath or shower during that period of time? Generally the Nicotine is out of your system in 72 hours

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14y ago

yes you are clean,trust me.

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Q: You havent smoked in 44 days should your system be clean?
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If im 5'6 and havent smoked in months and if i take two hits of weed will i be clean for a drug test in 8 days?

it should be out of your system in 4 days

If you havent smoked weed for 2 months dhould you be clean?

Close it usually takes about 90 days to leave your system.

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You smoked 2 blunts a month and a day ago are you clean?

Your system should be clean if no other use during the last month.

I haven't smoked in 2 weeks is my system clean?

not yet

You smoked every day for very long you weight 104 lbs and have not smoked in 45 days is there a chance you will have a clean drug test?

You should be clean. THC stays in the system about 30 days average - and it only goes down with ppl who have less body fat.

If I smoked on 4-20 and I have to take a drug test for the state of Michigan on June 4th and I havent smoked anything since just dipped will I be clean and pass the test Please answer back soon?

chronic marijuana users may test positive for up to 30 days by urinalysis. If you only smoked once on April 20th you will be clean by June 4th. Unsure of what dipped means.

When will your system be clean if you smoked pot more than 10 times?

In roughly one month.

What 2 use to clean Meth or ice out of your system if you smoked same day as test?


What is the quickest way to clean your system completely of marijuana. i have about 2 months before my first drug test. i havent smoked in a week but i used to smoke about 2 blunts worth a day.?

There is no magic way to "clear your system" of marijuana. As long as you don't use again before the test, you'll probably be okay.

If you weigh 208 pounds how long would it take to clean your system of marijuana?

That depends on how much you've smoked and for how long. If you smoked a couple of times a week you would expect it to be out of your system within a month.

You smoked today an before that your system was clean will you pass a drug test in a week?

a week or 2 just about