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tell her secrets

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Q: You told this girl you liked her and she felt the same way but nothings happened since what should you do?
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well this depends. Did your friend know you liked this girl? If not, you should say hey, I thought you should know, it is okay that you like her, but I have liked (insert girls name here) since third grade. If he did know, then you should just ask him to back off. I hope I helped! hi somebody else if he does not stop then ORDER him to back off and if it is not at school or work punch him if you really like her just not in front of her no girl likes a blood thirsty man ok

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If he knows that you like her than end your friendship,if he doesn't than tell him you owe him!

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Well, since the Watergate Scandal happened in 1972, and WWII ended 1945. I think you should be able to go out there and tell the world the WWII happened first. =)