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Because the man had no belly button.

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Q: You were digging in totally frozen ground when he came across a preserved body as soon as i saw the body i knew that it had to be Adam the first man how could i be sure?
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What is the word that means preserved in ice or snow?

If something is preserved in ice or snow it is frozen. When ice is frozen, it is a liquid that has turned into a solid.

How was Oetzi preserved?

He was preserved by being frozen shortly after he died. This is why he is called the 'Iceman'.

What is it when something is preserved in ice or snow?


What is it called when something is preserved in ice or snow?


How was the ice man preserved?

He was frozen in a block of ice.

What happens when bodies do not decay?

they will stay preserved, like if they are frozen

What are some ways things are preserved?

Canned, salted, frozen, pickled, dried.

Where might a body of a mammoth be found preserved?

In solidified tar, or frozen in ice.

How long can the fresh bread be preserved?

Only a day or so, unless it is frozen.

Preserved in ice or snow?

frozenI have to say frozen fossils, best answer i can think of.

How are frozen mammoths similar to insects encased in Amber?

The entire organisms are preserved.

How many way to preserved egg?

Eggs can be pickled, raw eggs can be frozen if they are blended first, or the yolks and whites can be frozen separately.