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Your Aunt is your children's Great Aunt.

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Q: Your aunt is what relation to your children?
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What relation to you is your great aunt's daughter's children?

Your great aunt's daughter's children (her grandchildren) are your second cousins.

What relation is your cousin to your children?

aunt or uncle;) depends on the gender

What relation are my sister's children to me?

You are their aunt or uncle and they are your niece or nephew.

What is your parent's relation to your cousin's children?

Your parents are great aunt and great uncle to the children of your first cousin.

What are your niece's children's relation to you?

Your neice's children are your grandneices and grandnephews. You are their great aunt or great uncle.

Is your brother's wife related to your children?

Your brother's wife is your children's aunt as long as they are married. If they get divorced, she is no longer any relation to them.

What is your uncle-by-marriage's nephews called in relation to yourself?

Your uncle-by-marriage's nephews might be you and your siblings. You are your uncle's nephew or niece.They might be the children of your aunt's siblings (your aunt being his wife), in which case they are your cousins.If they are your uncle's nephews by virtue of being children of his siblings, they are no relation to you at all.

What is the relation ship of your spouse's aunt to you?

Aunt in-law

What relation is your aunt to your daughter?

Your aunt is your daughter's great aunt. Your daughter is your aunt's great niece.

What relation are you to your great grandmother's children's children?

Your great grandmother's children's children are her grandchildren. They could be any of the following:your grandparentyour second cousin twice removedyour great aunt or great uncle

What relation to you is your Cousin's aunt's?

Your Aunt's first cousin may be your second cousin, onve removed or may be no relation to you at all.

What relation is your granddaughter to your aunt?

You granddaughter is a great great niece of your aunt. Your aunt is your granddaughter's great great aunt.