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wow two birds with one stone

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Q: Your boyfriend had a vasectomy the same day he had a cyst remove from his testitles?
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Who can remove a cyst in finger?

by any doctor

How much does an operaton cost to remove a Cyst in the cervix?

The amount of money that an operation to remove a cyst in the cervix will cost will vary. On average, this will cost about $1300 depending the specialist who does it.

Is it less painful to remove a Sebaceous cyst when it is small or large?

Removing the cyst when it's small will require a smaller incision and, so, less pain.

Are ovarian cysts a digestive disease?

No. Ovaries are part of the reproduction system and a cyst on them is a growth on the ovary. Often surgery is used to remove the cyst or ovary.

What is anechoic unilocular cyst?

A unilocular anechoic cyst is an ovarian cyst, usually benign. Usually, they go away on there own, but if it becomes debilitating, or gets too big, a doctor may opt to remove it surgically.

What is a home remedy for a sebaceous cyst?

For the treatment of sebaceous cyst, apply some tea tree oil directly on it.

Is a 6cm ovarian cyst considered big I was told I had an ovarian cyst and that's how bi it was It hurts terribly bad They're going to surgically remove it?

Yes, a 6 cm ovarian cyst is considered to be a little big.

Hi i have a cyst above my front tooth and it is leaking through my gum into my mouth. how can i stop this?

An oral surgeon has to remove the cyst and you may need to be treated for an infection in your gums.

Brain cyst removal cost?

How much it costs to remove a brain cyst depends on insurance and many other factors. It could cost as much as $60,000 for some people.

What is a cystic lesion on the brain?

It can be: arachnoid cyst colloid cyst enlarged perivascular space dermoid cyst choroid plexus cyst pineal cyst Rathke cleft cyst cystic neoplasm parasites (neurocysticercosis) DW malformation

How much to remove a cyst of my neck no insurance?

You need to ask your local doctor or dermatologist this question.

Why DuNC is necessary for cyst?

A D and C (dilate and curettage) is a gynecological procedure that requires dilating the cervix and scraping out the uterus of unwanted particles. If a cyst needs to be removed, this is an option to remove it.