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Sorry but she is... chihuahua's are fertile at 9months, she is expecting congrat though!

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Q: Your chiquaqua is almost nine months old she got out of the house and ran off with a male beagle while she was in heat and she has gained weight and her nipples have gotten larger Is she pregnant?
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Which state has the beagle as their state dog?

As far as I can find, No U.S.A. state has the beagle as its state dog. Pennsylvania almost chose the beagle, but opted for the Great Dane instead.

How was Charles Darwin's health after the voyage of the Beagle?

He was really sick and almost died

What do beagle eat?

Dog food ANSWER: Beagles are oportunistic eaters. that is, they will eat almost anything they can get away with.

What should you do if your miniature beagle gets pregnant by a rottweiler?

your beagle is gonna die the pups will be to big for her to have in labor most likely a pup will get stuck or she will be so exhausted when she is done she will die ANSWER: Not true. The pups will not be too big for her to have. They will most likely grow up to be bigger then a standard beagle.

How tall is a beagle?

The average weight of a Beagle is 20 to 25 pounds.

Who is Holly Beagle?

Holly Beagle is the greatest beagle in the world!!!!

What is the difference between a harrier beagle and a beagle?

Well this is a really good question! :) Beagle Harrier is a little bit taller than a normal Beagle. Beagle Harrier is from France and Beagle is from England. Beagle Harrier needs more exercise than Beagle. Beagle needs more space to live in than Beagle Harrier. Both of them are really cute and faithful friends and designed for hunting.

What British spacecraft was lost on Christmas day 2003?

Beagle mars lander ? Beagle Mars lander ?

How long will a beagle be pregnant?

Beagles like most small breeds are pregnant for 64 to 66 days

What is rhyming word pairs for dog with a license?

beagle legal

Why does your male beagle nudge your puppy beagle with his nose?

the male beagle nudges the puppy to ecorage it to walk

What is a young beagle called?

A young beagle is still referred to as a beagle. You could also call it a puppy.