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he doesn't want to be married

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Q: Your husband cheat but he still want to be married?
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Can you get your husband to cheat on you?

Yes. Stop cooking, cleaning, don't keep yourself good looking, always nag, and be mean. And dont allow him to touch you ANSWER: You don't have to do the things that your husband wouldn't like, if he want to have an affair, he will find the way. There's a lot of married men who have a perfect and happy life, and they still find the way to cheat because they want to prove to them self that they can do what they want to do no matter what consequences is.

Can you get married if you are still married but cannot find a new husband?

You already have a husband and just because you want another husband unless you divorce your first husband (at least in Western Countries) then you would be a bigamist which is against the law. File for your divorce; get the divorce and you are free to find another husband.

If you just found out that your purported husband is still married to his first wife. Is your marriage legal and what can you do about it?

You are not legally married. Your husband must obtain a divorce and you must be married after the waiting period has passed. This will give you the time to consider whether or not you want to continue with this relationship.

What is a cheat to get married on sims 2?

There is no cheat, if you want Sims to get married you build their relationship up to a romantic one and then have one of them propose.

I cheated on my husband and ever since then he calls me names and sometimes i want to leave him but then i dont because i am still deeply in love with him what should i do?

Get your husband to cheat on you, then you will be even and you can both call each other names.

Why do people still cheat if they are both happily married?

People who are happily married do not cheat. ANSWER: Simple they would never let their status gets on the way of what they want to do. From the recent survey, married man who is in happy marriage will also cheat to their wife. It's the challenge, excitement that they love. The power knowing women loves to be with them is what makes them excited.

Why do married men still look for a relationship?

Not all married men cheat on their wives, but statistics show many do. Most married men that cheat come to a point in their lives where they find they do not want to commit to one woman or, they are bored with years of marriage and commitment with their wife and want to taste youth again and have that old sexual desire back like he had when younger. Never mistake for a moment that the wife is always not obliging in a sexual relationship with her husband because in many cases this is simply not true. He is bored and it is the married man that has the problem. Statistics prove that most married men use their mistress or get bored with her and generally end up with their wife or, if the wife divorces him it is rare that her ex husband will marry the mistress.

How do you know when a married woman want you?

#1 You are her husband.

Why do guys cheat more than women?

In my own opinion, the reason why men cheat more than women is insecurity complex. Most men want to feel that they can do everything their mind is set into. It doesn't matter if they are single or married, still want to be on top of everything especially when it comes to sex. They want to prove to themselves that even they are married, they can still attract the opposite sex and with this they do not care if they hurt the people they love.

When a guy tells you he did not want to build a relationship because you are married does he want you divorced?

Maybe if you are still living with your husband, the guilt of having an adulterous affair has gotten to his conscience. If you are separated from your husband, maybe he feels the "baggage" is too much for him to take on.

If a married man tells you that you only call when you want sex what does that mean is he feeling some type of way or is it something more to it?

well if he is married why does he call you are you his wife or what? cause a married man should never cheat on his wife even if the wife was cheating and they want to get fair they should never cheat on their wife because that is saying that they don't really love their wife they just want the wife to think that their husband loves the wife and he is secreting having sex with another person

How do you get your wife to cheat?

There are basically two possible situations here. You may want your wife to cheat so that you will have a good excuse to divorce her, or you may want her to cheat so that you too can cheat, and everybody can have more sex while remaining married, an arrangement also known as an open marriage. Frankly, I think that honesty is the best policy. If you want a divorce, or if you want an open marriage, tell your wife what you want. There is no need to be sneaky about it. Your wife may be willing to give you what you want. If she isn't, you can still file for divorce on the grounds of irreconcilable differences.